Saudi-Arabië viert 87e Nationale Feestdag met reeks concerten, toneelopvoeringen en entertainmentevenementen
27 spectaculaire evenementen markeren jubileum van het land
JEDDAH, Saudi-Arabië–(BUSINESS WIRE)– De feestelijkheden van de Nationale Feestdag van Saudi-Arabië hebben elkaar dit weekend in rap tempo opgevolgd. Een reeks spectaculaire entertainmentevenementen in het Koninkrijk brachten de wapenfeiten van het land onder de aandacht.
Volgens de Nationale Autoriteit voor Entertainment – de instelling die in het kader van Vision 2030 verantwoordelijk is voor groei in de entertainmentsector – waren ter ere van de 87e Nationale Feestdag op 23 september in totaal 27 evenementen gepland in 17 steden.
Saudi Arabia Marks 87th National Day With Series of Concerts, Plays and Entertainment Events |
27 spectacular events to mark the anniversary of the country’s founding JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Saudi National Day celebrations continue apace through the holiday weekend, with a series of spectacular entertainment events across the Kingdom highlighting the country’s achievements. This Smart News Release features multimedia. View the full release here:
According to the General Entertainment Authority – the body responsible for expanding the entertainment sector under Vision 2030 – a total of 27 events were planned this weekend in 17 cities to mark the 87th National Day, observed on September 23. The events include concerts, plays, displays, comedy, laser, air balloon, cultural and sports shows, as well as folk dances, and are held in Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Ha’il, Tabuk and other cities. A major music concert at Al Jowharah Stadium in Jeddah featured prominent Saudi and Gulf singers. Riyadh’s 99-story Kingdom Centre was illuminated against the night sky on Saturday with portraits of King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. Kingdom Centre was also adorned with portraits of famous women such as track athlete Sarah Al Attar and sprinter Kariman Abuljadayel, who were part of the Saudi team at the Rio Olympics. As a reflection of the promise of Vision 2030’s vibrant and inclusive society, women attended all events, including in King Fahd International stadium which opened its doors to everyone for the first time. Packed audiences attended a musical performance and a staging of the National Epic operetta on Saudi history. “We see our country, thanks be to God, as an active member of the G20, a group that comprises the world’s strongest economies. With tremendous ambition, we look forward to the Kingdom becoming a pioneering model in all respects, relying on the roles played by our young male and female citizens, as we strive to achieve the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030,” Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said in a speech. “This time marks the beginning of a new phase of development and hard work which aims at ensuring continued progress in the future.” The Minister of Culture and Information Dr. Awwad Alawwad said, “National Day is the day treasured by all of us when we remember the historic achievements of the Kingdom’s founder King Abdul Aziz in unifying our country.” *Source: AETOSWire View source version on Contacts Center for International Communication, Ministry of Culture and Information, KSA |