14:35 uur 13-12-2017

Aprecia Pharmaceuticals en Cycle Pharmaceuticals werken samen aan ontwikkeling 3D-geprinte weesgeneesmiddelen

3D-printtechnologie en levensreddende medicijnen gecombineerd voor significant verbeterde kwaliteit van leven

CINCINNATI & CAMBRIDGE, Enegland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Aprecia Pharmaceuticals, LLC (Aprecia), een farmaceutisch bedrijf dat zich op 3D-prints toelegt, heeft een samenwerkingsovereenkomst met Cycle Pharmaceuticals Ltd. gesloten. Samen ontwikkelen en vermarkten ze weesgeneesmiddelen met behulp van 3D-printtechnologie. De beoogde producten verbeteren de kwaliteit van leven ten opzichte van bestaande, goedgekeurde weesgeneesmiddelen, dankzij het gepatenteerde technologisch platform 3DP ZipDose. Dit platform is de enige door de Food and Drug Administration goedgekeurde technologie voor driedimensionaal printen die wordt gebruikt in een farmaceutisch product.

Atonio Benedetti, ceo van Cycle, zei: “Voor veel patiënten met een zeldzame ziekte is helemaal geen behandeling mogelijk. Bij zeldzame ziekten waarvoor wel goedgekeurde farmaceutische behandeling voorhanden is, voelen patiënten telkens de last van niet-optimaal geformuleerde medicijnen. De 3D-printtechnologie ZipDose® kan formules voor snel smeltende farmaceutische producten aanleveren en zodoende aanzienlijke grotere hoeveelheden actieve farmaceutische ingrediënten te incorporeren dan andere technologieën voor snel smeltende producten. Daarmee is dit de enige technologie die zowel het aantal te slikken pillen verlaagt en dysfagie – oftewel slikproblemen – omzeilt. Beide problemen zijn voor veel patiënten met zeldzame ziektes een dagelijks obstakels.”



Aprecia Pharmaceuticals and Cycle Pharmaceuticals Partner to Develop 3D-Printed Orphan Drugs

3DP Technology and life-saving drugs combine to deliver significant quality-of-life benefits for rare disease patients

CINCINNATI & CAMBRIDGE, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Aprecia Pharmaceuticals, LLC (“Aprecia”), The 3DP Pharmaceutical Company, and Cycle Pharmaceuticals, Ltd. (“Cycle”) today announced they have signed a partnership agreement to develop and commercialize orphan drugs using three-dimensionally printed (“3DP”) technology. The planned products will deliver quality-of-life improvements versus existing, approved orphan drugs, and will achieve this by utilizing Aprecia’s proprietary 3DP ZipDose® Technology platform. ZipDose® is the only three-dimensional printing technology used in a pharmaceutical drug product approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Antonio Benedetti, CEO of Cycle commented: “Many rare disease patients do not have a treatment option at all. For those rare diseases where there is an approved pharmaceutical treatment, patients continue to be burdened by sub-optimal drug formulations. Aprecia’s ZipDose® 3DP technology can formulate fast-melt pharmaceutical products, incorporating significantly higher amounts of active pharmaceutical ingredient than any other fast-melt technology on the market.As such, this advanced technology can uniquely overcome both pill burden and dysphagia – swallowing difficulties – both of which are life-long, daily issues for so many rare disease patients.”

“We are excited to work with the Cycle team, and we see important synergies in the companies’ shared mission to address unmet needs in patient care,” said Don Wetherhold, CEO of Aprecia. “Cycle specializes in orphan drugs – they have proven that they can deliver quality-of-life improvements to rare disease patients around the world.Aprecia is fully committed to applying its ZipDose® 3DP printing technology to address real-world, daily issues faced by rare disease patients,” he continued.

About Aprecia

Aprecia, The 3DP Pharmaceutical Company, expects to use its ZipDose® Technology to transform the way people take medicine. Its first innovation, ZipDose® Technology can be combined with a wide variety of active pharmaceutical ingredients to create rapidly disintegrating oral dosage forms that are easy to take and easy to administer. Aprecia is committed to enhancing the patient experience through novel approaches to drug delivery that address unmet treatment needs to eliminate patient suffering and caregiver burden. For further information, please visit www.aprecia.com.

About Cycle Pharmaceuticals

Cycle is a pharmaceutical company that optimizes and increases access to existing pharmaceuticals. Specifically, Cycle focuses on three areas of pharmaceutical development:

– Improving orphan drugs, which treat the under-served rare disease patient community;

– Reinstating generic drug products that have been previously marketed; and

– Working with our academic and other partners to extend pharmaceuticals to new medical areas where there is clear unmet need.

Cycle’s first orphan drug product, NITYR™ (nitisinone) tablets, is approved in the U.S. and Canada for the treatment of hereditary tyrosinemia type-1.

The company’s global headquarters are in Cambridge, United Kingdom. For further information, please visit www.cyclepharma.com.



Aprecia Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Jennifer Zieverink, Senior Director Marketing & Alliance Management
Tel: +1 513 864 4114 (GMT-5)
E-mail: jennifer.zieverink@aprecia.com
Company Site: www.aprecia.com
Cycle Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Paula Bekinschtein, Global Marketing Manager
Tel: +44 1223 803 636 (GMT)
Email: paula.bekinschtein@cyclepharma.com
Company Site: www.cyclepharma.com

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