PSE lanceert grote update voor gPROMS FormulatedProducts
Veel nieuwe capaciteiten voor reactie- en modelvalidatie
LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Process Systems Enterprise (PSE), een bedrijf in geavanceerde procesmodellering, heeft vandaag versie 1.1 van zijn nieuwe modelleringsplatform gPROMS FormulatedProducts® gelanceerd. Het platform is bedoeld voor geïntegreerd digitaal ontwerp van robuust geformuleerde producten en hun maakproces.
gPROMS FormulatedProducts is nauwe samenwerking met toonaangevende bedrijven uit de farmacie, agro-chemie, consumentenproducten en voedselindustrie ontwikkeld. Het platform maakt gebruik van een mechanistische benadering van modellering, om wetenschappers en ingenieurs in staat te stellen formuleringen met complexe structuren te screenen op kwaliteitskenmerken, vast te stellen of ze op stabiele wijze kunnen worden geproduceerd en uitgebreid de ontwerpruimte voor de gehele formule en productieketen te verkennen.
PSE Releases Major gPROMS FormulatedProducts Update
Extensive new reaction, model validation capabilities
LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Process Systems Enterprise (PSE), the Advanced Process Modelling company, today released version 1.1 of its new gPROMS FormulatedProducts® modelling platform for the integrated digital design of robust formulated products and their manufacturing processes.
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gPROMS FormulatedProducts screenshot (Photo: Business Wire)
Developed in close collaboration with leading pharmaceutical, agrochemical, consumer products and food organisations, gPROMS FormulatedProducts deploys a mechanistic modelling approach to enable scientists and engineers to screen formulations with complex phase structures for quality attributes, determine whether they can be manufactured robustly, and comprehensively explore the design space for the whole formulation and manufacturing chain.
Sean Bermingham, head of PSE Formulated Products says, “We are moving ahead rapidly with new developments under the guidance of PSE’s Formulated Products Advisory Board as well as the input from the Systems-based Pharmaceutics Alliance and our industrial and academic partners in major R&D collaborations such as ADDoPT, REMEDIES, CMAC and RCPE.”
Version 1.1 adds significant new functionality to the original release with a wide range of enhanced new reactor and filtration libraries for active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacture. The release also added libraries for fluid bed granulation, drum coating of tablets and several sensors. All-new model validation workflows streamline the capabilities for parameter estimation, allowing quicker and better comparison of model predictions and experimental data, both for experiments used to estimate mechanistic model parameters and for additional experiments.
“Through Advisory Board guidance and PSE’s development expertise, gPROMS FormulatedProducts uniquely meets the needs of the pharmaceutical, agrochemical, consumer products and food organisations when it comes to accelerating innovation, improving product and manufacturing process robustness, and reducing time-to-market,” says Bermingham.
Built on PSE’s state-of-the art gPROMS® modelling platform, gPROMS FormulatedProducts helps pharmaceutical companies optimise the formulation and manufacture of drug substances and drug products using mechanistic models of material, unit operations, as well as detailed analysis of in-vivo drug product performance. It also provides state-of-the-art capabilities to the agrochemical, consumer products and food industries to enable model-based design and optimisation of individual process operations such as reaction, crystallization, wet and dry milling, spray drying, wet and dry granulation, blending and tabletting, as well as product performance.
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Process Systems Enterprise
Kristen Hunter, +44-20-8563-0888