Intersolar en Power2Drive Europe 2018: Zonne-energie zorgt voor mobiliteit
MÜNCHEN – (BUSINESS WIRE) – E-mobiliteit is zoveel veel meer dan alleen de oplossing voor schone mobiliteit van de toekomst. Wanneer elektrische voertuigen worden gevoed door zonne-energie, zorgt dit ook voor een grotere behoefte aan fotovoltaïsche cellen, of PV-cellen. Intersolar Europe, ‘s werelds toonaangevende beurs voor de zonne-industrie, en Power2Drive Europe, de nieuwe tentoonstelling voor e-mobiliteit en laadinfrastructuur die wordt gehouden van 20 tot en met 22 juni 2018 in München, Duitsland onder de paraplu van The smarter E Europe, zullen de diverse toekomstperspectieven voor het milieu presenteren die door de combinatie van PV en e-mobiliteit zullen ontstaan.
Intersolar and Power2Drive Europe 2018: Solar Power Generates Mobility
MUNICH–(BUSINESS WIRE)– E-mobility is much more than just the clean mobility solution of the future. When electric vehicles are fueled by solar power, it also drives the deployment of photovoltaics forward. Intersolar Europe, the world’s leading exhibition for the solar industry, and Power2Drive Europe, the new exhibition for e-mobility and charging infrastructure, held June 20–22, 2018 in Munich, Germany under the umbrella of The smarter E Europe, will thus showcase the diverse prospects created for the environment by the combination of PV and e-mobility.
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Solar Power generates mobility (Photo: Solar Promotion GmbH)
Electric vehicles can be driven and charging stations can be fed with electricity from PV systems, making e-mobility a driver of the PV market. Ideally, electric vehicles are charged with solar power directly from the owner’s roof. For example, a PV system with a capacity of 3 kilowatts peak in a single-family home in Germany can provide enough power annually for electric vehicle owners to drive around 14,000 kilometers (8,700 miles) emission free. This is particularly profitable for PV systems with a capacity of up to ten kilowatts, as these are now exempt from the EEG levy on self-consumption in Germany.
New business models
New business models are also opening up for PV companies and system owners, who can profit from solar filling stations, for example. Installers too are expanding their business activities and making the transition to automobile sales. For example, solar technology suppliers are cooperating with manufacturers to offer electric vehicles for sale or lease.
Where energy and mobility interact
This development makes a platform that combines the industrial fields of automobiles and energy even more important. With Intersolar and Power2Drive Europe, The smarter E Europe closes the gap between the two fields. The combination of PV and e-mobility also plays a significant role in the presentations at the Intersolar Europe Conference and Power2Drive Europe Conference. Visitors here can learn all about the most important topics in the industry – from innovative charging solutions to technologies for PV systems.
The smarter E Europe
The smarter E Europe, the innovative platform for new energy solutions, forms an umbrella for events and topics that drive the new energy world by bringing together four energy exhibitions: Intersolar Europe, ees Europe, Power2Drive Europe and EM-Power.
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