11:41 uur 31-01-2018

Dataprofessionals verspillen 50 procent van hun tijd aan mislukte of herhaalde werkzaamheden rond data, wat organisaties miljoenen kost

Onderzoek gesponsord door Alteryx wijst op inefficiënte zoektocht naar en catalogisering van data, wat Amerikaanse organisaties jaarlijks 1,7 miljoen dollar per 100 werknemers kost.

IRVINE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Alteryx, Inc. (NYSE: AYX), , heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat dataprofessionals wekelijks de helft van hun tijd verspillen aan het zoeken naar, beschermen en voorbereiden van data, wat organisaties veel geld kost. De IDC InfoBrief: The State of Data Discovery and Cataloging, die in opdracht van Alteryx tot stand kwam, steunt op een uitgebreide enquête onder meer dan vierhonderd personen die met data werken in Noord-Amerika en Europa.

Ondanks de hoge vlucht die data-analyse wereldwijd heeft genomen, toont dit nieuwe onderzoek aan dat organisaties nog altijd veel kunnen doen om alles uit hun data en aanverwante infrastructuur te halen, vooral als het gaat om het vinden en catalogiseren van gegevens. Dataprofessionals zijn meer tijd kwijt aan het beheren, zoeken en prepareren van data dan aan waardecreatie voor het bedrijf.



Data Professionals Waste 50 Percent of Time on Unsuccessful or Repeated Data Efforts, Costing Organizations Millions

Study sponsored by Alteryx Finds Data Discovery and Cataloging Inefficiencies Cost U.S. Organizations $1.7M Per Year, Per Every 100 Employees

IRVINE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Alteryx, Inc. (NYSE: AYX), revolutionizing business through data science and analytics, today revealed that data professionals are wasting half of their time each week finding, protecting, or preparing data —costing organizations significant amounts of money. The IDC InfoBrief: The State of Data Discovery and Cataloging, commissioned by Alteryx, is based on a comprehensive survey of 400-plus individuals performing data functions across North America and Europe.

Despite massive growth in data analytics demand globally, this new study shows that there is still much work to be done for organizations to get the most of their data assets and infrastructures, particularly when it comes to data discovery and cataloging. Data professionals are spending more time governing, searching and preparing data than they are on extracting business value. Among the findings:

  • Data professionals spend 60 percent of their time getting to insight, but just 27 percent of that time is spent on actual analysis. Instead, 37 percent of that “getting to insight” time is spent searching for data and 36 percent of that time is spent preparing data.
  • These data workers waste 30 percent of their time—on average 14 hours per week—because they cannot find, protect or prepare data. They waste another 20 percent of their time—10 hours per week—building information assets that already exist. In total, they lose 50 percent of their time every week on unsuccessful activities or repeating efforts.
  • Even though data discovery and integrity is important for business, 30 to 50 percent of organizations say they are not where they want to be.
  • The inefficiencies of data intelligence and knowledge is costing U.S. organizations $1.7M per year for every 100 employees, and European organizations €1.1M per year for every 100 employees.

“It is evident that many professionals are not aware of what resources are available within data assets like data lakes, how to access the data, where it came from, or how to glean trusted insights,” said Langley Eide, Chief Strategy Officer at Alteryx, Inc. “Unless organizations make changes to their infrastructure now, and close the gaps on data discovery, integrity and cataloging, processes will only become more inefficient as data volume and variety continues to grow.”

“Data discovery is important to all aspects of business, from operations efficiency to compliance to risk reduction, revenue growth, and beyond,” said Stewart Bond, Director of Data Integration and Integrity Software Research at IDC. “Knowledge of how, where and why data is used, by whom, and what information already exists will help data professionals refrain from repeating efforts, increase personal productivity and free-up time for more advanced analytics.”

To download the full IDC InfoBrief, please visit www.alteryx.com/idc-data-catalog.

About Alteryx

Revolutionizing business though data science and analytics, Alteryx offers an end-to-end analytics platform which empowers data analysts and scientists alike to break data barriers, deliver insights, and experience the thrill of getting to the answer faster. Organizations all over the world rely on Alteryx daily to deliver actionable insights. For more information visit www.alteryx.com.

Alteryx is a registered trademark of Alteryx, Inc. All other product and brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.


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Lisa Soto
Director of Corporate Communications
Direct: 949-668-1455 | Mobile: 949-351-3734

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