Humanitaire leiders bijeen in Saudi-Arabië om te spreken over innovatie en hervorming van humanitaire hulp
Koning Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud opent eerste Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum en lanseert Saudisch platform voor hulp
RIYAD, Saudi-Arabië–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Wereldleiders en vertegenwoordigers van grote internationale humanitaire organisaties zijn bijeengekomen voor het eerste Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum in Saudi-Arabië. Het evenement vindt nu plaats (26 en 27 januari 2018) in het InterContinental Hotel van Riyad. De vier hoofdthema’s van het forum zijn: Humanitaire hulp, Humanitaire financiering en capaciteiten, Innovatie en hervormingen in de humanitaire sector en het Lokaliseren van hulp. Het forum behandelt de uitdagingen waar de internationale hulporganisaties en reddingswerkers voor staan als ze de groeiende vraag om humanitaire hulp het hoofd willen bieden.
De Hoeder van de twee Heilige Moskeeën, koning Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud en patroon van het King Salman Humanitarian Relief Centre (KSrelief), opende het eerste International Humanitarian Forum dat in Saudi-Arabië plaatsheeft en lanceerde het eerste Saudische hulpprogramma in de regio.
Humanitarian Leaders Unite in Saudi Arabia to Discuss Innovation and Reform in Humanitarian Assistance
King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud officially opens the 1st Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum and launch of the Saudi Aid Platform
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Global leaders and representatives from the world’s leading international humanitarian organizations have united for the 1st Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum, in Saudi Arabia, now being held (26 – 27 February 2018) at the InterContinental Hotel, Riyadh. The four main discussion topics at the forum will be: Humanitarian Assistance, Humanitarian Financing and Capacities, Innovation and Reform in the Humanitarian Sector, and Localizing of Aid. The forum aims to address challenges faced by the international aid and relief community in meeting the world’s growing need for increasing amounts of humanitarian assistance.
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King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud officially opens the 1st Riyadh International Humanitarian Forum 26th February 2018 (Photo: AETOSWire)
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud and patron of the King Salman Humanitarian Relief Centre (KSrelief) officially opened the first International Humanitarian Forum to take place in the Kingdom in Saudi Arabia and launched the first Saudi Aid Program in the region.
H.E. Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, Advisor at the Royal Court and Supervisor General of KSrelief in announcing the platform, said: “Today, KSrelief is honored to launch the Saudi Aid Platform, under the guidance and support of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. The Platform is the first of its kind in the region to reflect the Kingdom’s relief, humanitarian, and development efforts with other Saudi ministries and relevant entities, designed to the highest international standards.”
“Today, KSrelief also announces the launch of the inaugural electronic issue of KSrelief’s new scientific publication, the International Humanitarian Journal, which is concerned with scientific, humanitarian aid relief research; its goal is to support areas in need of humanitarian and relief aid and to further the development of humanitarian action.”
“KSrelief has built strong partnerships with 120 United Nations agencies and national and international organizations, many of whom are in attendance at this first international humanitarian who will contribute to the aim of making the center an international resource for humanitarian research and studies and volunteer work. These partnerships are integral to promoting the value of humanitarian work and stressing the Kingdom’s leading role in this regard, in alignment with the Kingdom’s 2030 Vision.”
*Source: AETOSWire
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for KSrelief
Victoria Johnson, +971569327530