Tokyo Book Publication lanceert The Sustainable IoT Book op 8 maart wereldwijd
Opgeslagen in bibliotheken van Harvard en Cambridge als IoT-boek
Een boek met smartphoneverbinding kan wilde vogels redden, waarvan een op de zeven soorten wordt bedreigd
TOKIO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Tokyo Book Publication, de uitgeversdivisie van Brain Corp. (hoofdkantoor in de prefectuur Nagano, vertegenwoordigd door Noriaki Nakata), heeft 8 maart The Sustainable IoT Book gelanceerd op Het boek is tot stand gekomen dankzij het Donate 4 Birds Project en uitgevoerd door Conservation International Japan (Shinjuku-ku, Tokio, hoofdkantoor in de Verenigde Staten), een non-gouvernementele organisatie voor natuurbehoud onder het kernwoord duurzaamheid en zijn projectteam.
Donate 4 Birds is een beweging om wilde vogels en hun leefomgeving te beschermen met behulp van Twitter. De vogel uit het logo van dat sociale medium is in aantal veruit de snelst gegroeide soort in de 21e eeuw. De activiteiten begonnen in juli 2016, toen Twitter het tienjarige jubileum van zijn dienstverlening vierde. Tot op heden krijgen we steun van meer dan 100.000 volgers op Twitter. Dit IoT-boek is gekoppeld aan Donate 4 Birds en legt de vogels vast waarvan het uitsterven grote invloed heeft op onze levens.
Tokyo Book Publication Launches The Sustainable IoT Book on March 8 Simultaneously Worldwide
Stored in the libraries of Harvard and Cambridge universities as an IoT book.
A smartphone-linked book that can save wild birds, one species in seven of which is endangered.
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Tokyo Book Publication, the Publishing Division of Brain Corp. (headquarters: Nagano Prefecture, representative: Noriaki Nakata) launched The Sustainable IoT Book through on March 8, 2018. This book was created by the Donate 4 Birds Project, carried out by Conservation International Japan (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, headquartered in the United States), an NGO carrying out environmental conservation activities under the keyword sustainable and its project team.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here:

Book cover (Photo: Business Wire)
Donate 4 Birds is a movement to conserve wild birds and the environment using Twitter (logomark is a wild bird motif), a bird whose numbers have increased more than any other in the 21st century. Activities began in July 2016 when Twitter’s services marked their 10th anniversary. To date we have enjoyed the support of over 100,000 Twitter subscribers. This IoT book links with Donate 4 Birds and records birds whose extinction would impact our daily lives. Each page, which features just an illustration of a wild bird, embeds near-field communication (NFC) that connects with a hand-held mobile device. In addition to letting you donate to wild bird conservation activities, articles are updated to provide the most current information on wild birds.
As well as being available for purchase at, these books can also be read at Cambridge and Harvard universities and other academic institutions around the world to which they have been donated. In addition, we plan to donate free of charge through a specially set up site to educational institutions on request.
Book outline:
Editor: Donate 4 Birds Project
Publisher: Tokyo Book Publication
Released by: Refre Publication
Release date: Thursday, March 8, 2018
Where sold:
Donate 4 Birds The Sustainable IoT Book special site
Site URL:
Site URL:
Format: Duodecimo 52 pages 180 mm (L) × 128.5 mm (W)
ISBN: ISBN 978-4-86641-147-7 C0645
Price: ¥9,800 (excluding taxes)
- A simple design featuring only endangered wild birds.
Design method uses the Twitter motif. - NFC technology embedded in each page means that simply holding a hand-held mobile device close automatically brings up a donation function as well as letting you view the latest information. To eliminate the considerable radio interference of the NFC tags embedded in each page, we used a technology normally used in Japan’s factories and succeeded in making the book IoT accessible.
- You may give money using the $Cashtag Twitter donation function or donate your own account for any period and your followers can be notified.
*Twitter account donations can also be rescinded at any time.
If you cancel your account donation, your account will be restored to how it was immediately prior to being donated.
Project Outline:
One species in seven of wild birds, said to be a barometer of the environment, is threatened with extinction due to the impact of human activities. Almost all of the large wild bird species are on the brink of extinction. If they disappear, ecosystems will collapse, and our lives, too, will be greatly impacted. The Donate 4 Birds movement conserves wild birds and the environment using a bird that has increased the most in the 21st century — Twitter. Donate 4 Birds has set up two donation approaches for supporting initiatives to protect the vital ecosystems of wild birds and build a sustainable society. The first donation method is the usual one of donating money. The second is a world-first initiative whereby you donate Twitter, a bird you have created yourself.*2 By donating your own account you can get the word out to your followers about wild birds and the harsh reality they face and call for donations. From 2018, we are also adding a book, a tool that is more memorable than digital tools, and carrying out a wider range of activities.
Conservation International
Global site:
Conservation International Japan
Japan site:
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IoT BOOK PR Office
Naoyuki Nakagawa