Duits bedrijf ontwikkelt nieuw systeem voor verzilvering van nieuws
Kranten en lezers profiteren allebei van blockchainsysteem
FRANKFURT, Duitsland –(BUSINESS WIRE)– MulTra GmbH heeft een innovatief systeem ontwikkeld dat krantenuitgevers helpt geld te verdienen aan digitale content , maar consumenten tegelijkertijd betaalt voor het lezen van nieuws via de Pumped App. Pumped is het eerste platform dat mensen uitbetaalt voor het lezen van nieuwsberichten en uitgevers alle advertentie-inkomsten garandeert, zonder inschrijfkosten.
“We ontwikkelden de Pumped App met feedback van grote internationale uitgevers, die moeite hebben met het verzilveren van nieuws”, zei Onik Mia, CEO van MulTra GmbH. “Door de Pumped App te gebruiken krijgen nieuwsconsumenten in MulTra Tokens (MTTs) op Ethereum-basis betaald voor het lezen van artikelen en het verdienen van cryptomunten.” MulTra GmbH maakt deel uit van de Enterprise Ethereum Alliance.
German Company Develops New Solution for Monetizing News Content
Newspapers and readers both benefit from blockchain based solution
FRANKFURT, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– MulTra GmbH has created an innovative solution to monetize digital content for newspaper publishers while simultaneously paying consumers for reading the news through their Pumped App. Pumped claims to be the first platform which pays people for reading news content while guaranteeing 100% ad revenue to publishers at no-sign up cost.
“We developed the Pumped App working with feedback from major international publishers to address the challenge of monetizing news content,” said MulTra GmbH CEO Onik Mia. “By using the Pumped App, consumers are paid in the Ethereum-based MulTra Token (MTT) to read publisher content and earn cryptocurrency.” MulTra GmbH is a member of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance.
The Pumped App is platform independent and any publisher, regardless of size, can participate in the Pumped ecosystem for free. Media industry leaders and blockchain experts recently gathered at the Soho House Berlin to discuss how Pumped can increase monetization of content independent of the Google / Facebook duopoly. They agreed that the integration of blockchain technology and crypto-micropayments can create exciting monetization opportunities for news publishers.
The Pumped App learns what types of content a user is interested in and provides more curated content to the user using machine learning. Readers are then paid with MTT for reading, curating and engaging with the news content on the Pumped App. These earned MTT can then be exchanged for money through cryptocurrency exchanges or can also be used to pay for premium content subscriptions on publisher websites, hence providing an additional revenue source to newspapers.
This allows people anywhere in the world to earn money for reading the news.
About Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA): The EEA connects Fortune 500 enterprises, startups, academics and technology vendors with Ethereum subject matter experts.
About MulTra GmbH: MulTra GmbH, the company that has developed the Pumped ecosystem, was founded in 2014 and is based in Frankfurt, Germany. Its clients include Deutsche Bank, Samsung, Huawei, BMW, GlaxoSmithKline, Lenovo, Johnson & Johnson and many more. MulTra GmbH’s digital products received multiple awards from the European Commission for their innovative strengths and impactful nature. Website: www.pumped-crypto.io
*Source: AETOSWire
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180322005603/en/
MulTra GmbH
Saif Qazi, +496934877311, +97433839215
Chief Marketing Officer