LINDA DOR Hospitality Group in Ghana profiteert van lagere energierekening en hogere betrouwbaarheid dankzij REDAVIA Solar
MÜNCHEN & ACCRA, Ghana–(BUSINESS WIRE)– LINDA DOR Hospitality Group, uitbater van wegrestaurants, restaurants en lodges in Oost-Ghana, heeft voor REDAVIA gekozen voor de implementatie van LINDA DOR’s eerste zonnepark. REDAVIA is wereldwijd marktleider op het gebied van kosteneffectieve en betrouwbare huurbare zonne-energie voor bedrijven en gemeenschappen.
LINDA DOR staat op het punt om zonne-energie in te winnen op een schaal die REDAVIA in de gelegenheid stelt om elektriciteit op te wekken en deels door te leveren aan het nationale netwerkt. Daarbij gaat de betrouwbaarheid omhoog en de kosten omlaag.
LINDA DOR Hospitality Group in Ghana to Benefit from Lower Electricity Cost and Higher Reliability Thanks to REDAVIA Solar
MUNICH & ACCRA, Ghana–(BUSINESS WIRE)– LINDA DOR Hospitality Group, operating rest stops, restaurants and lodges in the Eastern Region of Ghana, chose REDAVIA, a global market leader of cost-effective, reliable rental solar power for businesses and communities, to implement its first solar farm for its group of companies.
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Doris Belinda Arkorful, CEO & Founder LINDA DOR & Erwin Spolders, CEO & Founder REDAVIA (Photo: Business Wire)
LINDA DOR is on the verge of uncovering the power of solar energy whereby the REDAVIA solar farm seamlessly complements electricity from the national grid, improving reliability and lowering cost.
The benefits for LINDA DOR are compelling – firstly, cost savings of 50% per kWh of solar, leading to monthly savings on overall electricity costs of over 10% that will positively impact its financial bottom line. Secondly, the reliability of energy provision is crucial for LINDA DOR whose services and success depend on happy, returning customers.
“As a self-made businesswoman, I believe in the power of relationships, a successful business model and in doing the right thing for our customers,” said Doris Belinda Arkorful, Founder and Managing Director of LINDA DOR. “REDAVIA is a supplier we trust, and they are allowing us to save money that I can reinvest to grow my business.”
“We were impressed with LINDA DOR’s focus on customer satisfaction and putting customer services first,” stated Erwin Spolders, CEO & Founder of REDAVIA. “It was clear in an instant that we could help them with this goal as solar power improves their cost base and reliability, not to mention its significant environmental impact.”
LINDA DOR was established in 1976 in Koforidua in Eastern Ghana. It started off with a restaurant and rest stop, being the first of its kind ever in the region. A well-known, successful and award-winning brand in Ghana, LINDA DOR now operates a series of restaurants, hotels and highway rest stops.
REDAVIA offers rental solar power for businesses and communities. The REDAVIA system is based on a pre-configured container model, including high-performance solar modules and electrical components. It is easy to ship, set up, scale and redeploy. Businesses and communities benefit from a cost-effective, reliable, clean energy solution with minimal upfront investment or technical skills.
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Angelika Kempf
+49 89 2426 8869