draglet biedt haar industrie standaard cryptocurrency exchange & ICO Platform Source Code voor verkoop aan het publiek
MUNICH–(BUSINESS WIRE)–draglet GmbH, een toonaangevend bedrijf op het gebied van ontwikkeling van blockchain, biedt haar eigen beurs- en ICO-platformbroncode aan voor rechtstreekse aankoop. Dit maakt draglet het eerste beursontwikkelingsbedrijf die zijn broncode beschikbaar stelt voor verkoop aan operatoren van cryptocurrencybeurzen of bedrijven die een ICO lanceren. Concurrenten in de ruimte houden hun broncode verborgen voor klanten.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk het volledige persbericht hier: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180503006059/en/
“We hadden het gevoel dat er veel onbetrouwbare scripts op de markt waren. Geen van hen bood de beveiliging en schaalbaarheid op ondernemingsniveau die ons script onze klanten biedt”, stelt Peter Kohlschmidt, managing director van draglet. “Door ons ruilscript te koop aan te bieden, bereiken we een breder publiek en creeren we een industrienorm voor software achter cryptocurrencybeurzen en ICO’s.”
draglet Offers Its Industry Standard Cryptocurrency Exchange& ICO Platform Source Code for Sale to the Public
MUNICH–(BUSINESS WIRE)– draglet GmbH, a leading blockchain development company, is offering its proprietary exchange and ICO platform source code for outright purchase. This makes draglet the first exchange development company to make its source code available for sale to operators of cryptocurrency exchanges or companies launching an ICO. Competitors in the space keep their source code hidden from customers.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180503006059/en/

draglet is offering its proprietary exchange and ICO platform source code for outright purchase. (Graphic: Business Wire)
“We felt there were a lot of unreliable scripts on the marketplace. None of them offered the enterprise-level security and scalability that our script offers our customers,” said Peter Kohlschmidt, Managing Director at draglet. “By offering our exchange script for sale, we’ll reach a wider audience and create an industry standard for software behind cryptocurrency exchanges and ICOs.”
draglet’s exchange and ICO source code has been available for purchase on draglet’s website in pre-launch alpha since late April. Customer interest and feedback from previous clients has been positive, indicating strong interest in source code for purchase.
draglet Exchange Architecture
The industry-leading exchange and ICO software is designed for speed, security, and overall usability. The flexible architecture of the draglet software allows customers to build their own applications atop the existing code. In fact, the same source code powers both white label cryptocurrency exchanges and ICO crowdsales with minimal modification. Features and functionality can be customized to the user’s liking.
The code is structured into five different modules. Each is independent of the other modules, but all modules communicate with one another. In addition to these five core modules, customers who purchase the source code can add their own features and services as well. In the near future, draglet will offer optional add-on services that allow customers to purchase additional features as-needed.
Creating an Industry Standard
draglet aims to create a new industry standard for cryptocurrency exchange. The new business model revolves around not just selling world-class software, but also providing the training, specifications, certifications, and support necessary to create industry-wide adoption. This new initiative positions draglet as a global leader in creating, operating, training, and supporting global cryptocurrency exchange.
As a result, draglet customers can now expect an all-around solution for implementing a new exchange or ICO. Business concerns like accounting/compliance, technical software/hardware implementation, and training on exchange administration/management are part of the complete package.
For more information about draglet’s software source code, please visit: https://www.draglet.com
About draglet GmbH
draglet is a German company founded in 2013, specializing in developing blockchain applications and bitcoin/cryptocurrency exchange software for businesses. Based in Munich, Bavaria, draglet has been an early leader in blockchain services and smart contracts. With its renowned custom, white-label exchange software, draglet has set new standards in the cryptocurrency market. draglet solutions are in use in over 20 countries worldwide.
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draglet GmbH
Contact: Stefan Chun Yin
Phone: +49 151 466 388 68
Email: stefanchun.yin@draglet.com