15:48 uur 08-05-2018

Adviesraad Huawei ICT Academy neemt leiding bij opleiden ICT talent voor de toekomst

READING, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Er is een crisis in de ICT-industrie aan het ontstaan, nu de sector worstelt om belangrijke functies in te vullen. Het aanbod van talent is volgens Technation het grootste probleem waar digitale technologiebedrijven in het Verenigd Koninkrijk mee te maken hebben. Naarmate de technologie evolueert, ervaren medewerkers met pensioen gaan en er meer banen beschikbaar komen, zal dit probleem alleen maar verergeren. Naar verwachting zullen er tussen 2015 en 2025 in totaal 1,7 miljoen ICT-banen voor technologiespecialisten bijkomen en de kandidaten hebben de vaardigheden en ervaring nodig om deze banen te kunnen vervullen.

Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk de volledige weergave hier: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180508005796/en/

Om dit probleem op te lossen, biedt de Huawei ICT Academy een non-profit onderwijsinitiatief dat partnerschappen tussen universiteiten en bedrijven makkelijker maakt door jonge Europeanen met een groot digitaal potentieel, zoals studenten, ontwikkelaars en ondernemers, te ondersteunen. De Huawei ICT Academy Advisory Board is in november 2017 opgericht om leiding te geven aan de Huawei ICT Academy in West-Europa en opereert onafhankelijk, ondersteund door investeringen van Huawei. Het is de enige vereniging van Huawei van dit type buiten China. Het bestuur geeft leiding aan de algemene richting en ontwikkeling van de Huawei ICT Academy en ondersteunt de branche bij het bevorderen van de kennis van de vakman.

Huawei ICT Academy Advisory Board Leads the Way in Securing the ICT Talent Ecosystem for the Future

READING, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– There is a crisis emerging in the ICT industry, as the sector struggles to fill vital roles. Talent supply is the top problem facing digital tech businesses in the UK, according to Technation. As technology evolves, experienced staff retire, and more jobs become available, this problem is set to get worse. In fact, there are predicted to be 1.7 million new ICT jobs for tech specialists between 2015 and 2025, and candidates need the skills and experience to fill them.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180508005796/en/

Professor Zhili Sun, Vice-Chair Academia of the Huawei ICT Academy Advisory Board (Photo: Business W ...

Professor Zhili Sun, Vice-Chair Academia of the Huawei ICT Academy Advisory Board (Photo: Business Wire)

To help solve this problem, Huawei ICT Academy provides a not-for-profit education initiative that facilitates partnerships between universities and business, supporting young Europeans with great potential in digital, such as students, developers and entrepreneurs. The Huawei ICT Academy Advisory Board was established in November 2017 to lead the Huawei ICT Academy in Western Europe and runs independently, supported by investment from Huawei. It is Huawei’s only association of this type outside China. The Board leads the overall direction and development of the Huawei ICT Academy and supports the industry in furthering practitioner knowledge.

The Huawei ICT Academy Advisory Board is made up of renowned academics, members of professional bodies and leaders from Huawei. It ensures that the Huawei ICT Academy provides a platform for academic excellence and challenges students and developers with competitions and certifications, helping its audience of New Young Europeans to have successful ICT roles in the future.

Professor Zhili Sun, Vice-Chair Academia of the Huawei ICT Academy Advisory Board, and professor of Communication Networking at the University of Surrey, said: “We set up a committee to serve the group of young talented people involved in skills within the UK and Europe.”

The board is led by Professor Edmund Burke, Chair – Academia and Vice Principal for Science and Engineering at Queen Mary University, London. His Co-Chair is Mr. Bradd Feng, Director of Global Training and Certification Dept. at Huawei. Together they lead the 20 board members who oversee the Huawei ICT Academy’s programs, processes, delivery and organization and lead on the strategic development of the Huawei ICT Academy Program in the UK.

For example, Huawei and Huawei ICT Academy organise the Huawei ICT Skill Competition to develop ICT professionals, connecting with the makers and doers of the digital future. The global final of the competition takes place in China in May, with six students from Western Europe competing. They will learn relevant skills and gain experience that will power the entire industry and, ultimately, drive digital transformation. Huawei also works with governments, offers globally recognised certifications, graduate programs and joint R&D projects to help build an open, sustainable ICT ecosystem.

By bringing together leaders from academia and industry, the Advisory Board’s leadership will further the development of the ICT Industry by providing advice on issues of strategic importance, such as the syllabus, virtual learning resources, program delivery and processes. Technology advances come rapidly in the ICT sector, so by overseeing the direction of the ICT Academy Programme, the Advisory Board ensures that students are developing vital knowledge to become a new type of multi-skilled engineer – critical to the ICT industry as well as to global development and growth.

This will continue to have a positive impact when students enter the workplace. Pearson VUE’s 2017 Value of Certification Survey found that 54% of people experienced their first benefit within three months of gaining a certification, such as a salary increase or promotion. Additionally, 93% of hiring managers recognise industry certifications.

Huawei ICT Academy
Huawei ICT Academy is a not-for-profit education program that facilitates university-enterprise partnerships. The project aims to lead ICT development, build the future of the ICT industry, and create a sound talent ecosystem by providing ICT education worldwide. To date, Huawei has fostered cooperation with more than 300 universities in Europe, North America, Southeast Asia, Australia, and other regions around the world. In the future, Huawei will hold higher education development summit forums and forge ICT talent alliances to further drive the healthy, sustainable, and efficient development of the ICT talent ecosystem.



Huawei ICT Academy
Pallavi Malhotra

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