FUELSAVE GmbH: FS MARINE+ is bezig met een revolutie op het gebied van scheepsefficiëntie, die scheepsexploitanten helpt om schoner en winstgevender te worden voor een unieke win-win situatie
Gepatenteerde technologie om de efficiëntie van motoren te verbeteren wordt op de scheepvaartmarkt geïntroduceerd met een ontwrichtend klantgericht bedrijfsmodel dat in 3 jaar ROI garandeert voor een schonere, efficiëntere en winstgevender bedrijfsvoering wereldwijd om de huidige uitdagingen in de industrie effectief het hoofd te bieden.
FUELSAVE GmbH lanceert een revolutionaire efficiëntieverbeteringstechnologie voor dieselmotoren (MGO / MDO) en zware stookoliemotoren (HFO) op zeeschepen, waarvan in het veld en in laboratoria is bewezen dat ze het brandstofverbruik aanzienlijk verminderen en contractueel gegarandeerde 10% van de totale brandstofkosten besparen, de OPEX verlagen en de winstgevendheid verhogen, terwijl ze de emissies aanzienlijk verminderen (CO2 met 10-15%, FSN met 40%, NOx met 30-70% enz.) om het milieu te sparen en de Groene Huisgassen (BKG) te verminderen met een zichtbare vermindering van de uitlaatrook.
Dit persbericht bevat multimedia. Bekijk de volledige weergave hier: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180524005120/en/
De doorbraak van het bedrijf, genaamd FS MARINE+, is een oplossing voor het verbeteren van het motorrendement, met een waterstofsyngasgenerator aan boord, die verschillende processen van gas- en vloeibaarwater-injectie van methanol combineert om de verbrandingsefficiëntie aanzienlijk te verbeteren, het brandstofverbruik te verminderen en de emissies te verminderen. Het kan op elk schip achteraf worden ingebouwd, voldoet aan IMO-niveau I en II voor oudere schepen en is ‘s werelds eerste oplossing die is goedgekeurd door DNV GL.
FUELSAVE GmbH: FS MARINE+ is Revolutionizing Shipping Efficiency, Helping Ship Operators to Become Cleaner& More Profitable for a Unique Win-Win
Patented engine efficiency enhancement technology launches on shipping market with disruptive customer-focused business model that guarantees ROI in 3 years for a guaranteed cleaner, more efficient and more profitable operation world-wide to effectively address current challenges in the industry.
FUELSAVE GmbH is launching a revolutionary efficiency enhancement technology for Diesel (MGO / MDO) and Heavy-Fuel-Oil (HFO) engines on maritime vessels, which has been field & laboratory proven to significantly reduce fuel consumption and save contractually guaranteed 10% of the overall fuel costs, to lower the OPEX and increase profitability, while significantly reducing emissions ( CO2 by 10-15%, FSN by 40%, NOx by 30-70% etc.) for saving the environment and reducing Green House Gases (GHG) with a visible exhaust smoke reduction.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180524005120/en/

FS MARINE+ Next Generation Efficiency Enhancement for Maritime Vessels
The company’s breakthrough unit, called FS MARINE+ is an engine efficiency enhancement solution, with an onboard hydrogen syngas generator, which combines different processes of gas and liquid water methanol injection to significantly improve combustion efficiency, reduce fuel consumption and cut emissions. It can be retrofitted on any vessel, achieves compliance with IMO tier I and II for older ships and is the world`s first solution that has been approved by DNV GL.
The economical & ecological benefits of FS MARINE+ were demonstrated in a 2,5-year proof-of-concept trial on board of one of Europes largest heavy-lift crane vessels. There were no negative effects on engine operation, but rather engine health improved due to cleaner combustion, better lube oil quality and smoother engine run with less vibrations.
FUELSAVE GmbH with FS MARINE+ became Top SME in Europe and Top SME in Germany by receiving the highest evaluation score of all companies of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme – SME Phase 2 – in the last call for proposals, following the award of two Seals
of Excellence by the EU commission under the H2020 program in 2017.
FUELSAVE GmbH and is receiving subsequent funding of 1,6 Mio Euro from the EU commission for further R&D for FS MARINE+ and stipulating deployment of such high-potential / high-impact and unique cleantech solution for the shipping industry with the overall potential to reduce 49.65 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent (Co2, NoX, etc.) per year globally, which represents 5.3% of 2017 global emissions respectively.
The excellent test results of FS MARINE+ were verified through independent analysis and reports from engine service and maintenance companies as well as from a university testing institute and has received reviews & approvals from relevant certification and approval authorities.
FS MARINE+ has proven itself as a unique solution for emission reduction, with an outstanding and market-leading Return-On-Investment (ROI) and short amortization of 3 years within the warranty period of 15 years maximum, to help ship operators become more profitable, more sustainable and reducing the impact on the environment for a unique win-win.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180524005120/en/
Mr. Marc Sima