10:35 uur 28-05-2018

FCF: Beweringen van Greenpeace Oneerlijk en misleidend

KAOHSIUNG – (BUSINESS WIRE) – FCF Fishery, Co. President Max Chou heeft vandaag de volgende verklaring afgelegd over recente misleidende beschuldigingen van mensenrechtenschendingen door Greenpeace tegen het bedrijf:

“We realiseren ons dat als een van ‘s werelds grootste producten geïntegreerde supply chain dienstverleners met meer dan 30 dochterondernemingen, visbases en scheepsagenten over de hele wereld, we een primair doel zijn voor organisaties die publiciteit willen genereren, maar die niet volledig op de hoogte zijn van de nieuwste ontwikkelingen en verbeteringen die momenteel plaatsvinden in de visserij-industrie. Echter, in hun pogingen om flagrante schendingen van de mensenrechten te beteugelen, geloven wij dat het oneerlijk en bedrieglijk is om ons bedrijf gelijk te stellen met met degenen die wreedheid en verwaarlozing van hun arbeiders vergoelijken.”

“Hoewel we het zinvolle werk van Greenpeace bij het aan de kaak stellen en uitbannen van mensenhandel en duurzaamheidsovertredingen erkennen, zijn we evenzeer teleurgesteld dat ze FCF betrekken bij oude incidenten en zaken die sindsdien in alle gevallen in samenwerking met het Taiwanese ministerie van Visserij zijn afgehandeld.”

FCF: Greenpeace Allegations Unfair and Deceptive

KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan–(BUSINESS WIRE)– FCF Fishery, Co. President Max Chou today released the following statement regarding recent misleading Greenpeace human rights abuse allegations made against the company:

“We realize that as one of the world’s largest marine products integrated supply chain service providers with more than 30 subsidiaries, fishing bases, and shipping agents around the world, we are a prime target for organizations seeking to garner publicity and those not fully aware of the latest development and improvements that are currently taking place in the fishery industry. However, in their efforts to curb egregious human rights abuses, we believe it is unfair and deceptive to lump our company in with those who condone cruelty and neglect of their laborers.

“Although we recognize the meaningful work of Greenpeace in exposing and eliminating human trafficking and sustainability abuses, we are equally disappointed that they are implicating FCF in old incidents and cases that have since been in all instances addressed in coordination with the Taiwanese Fisheries Department.

“As our work over the past five years has demonstrated, FCF places a high priority on social responsibility and environmental sustainability. Working closely with our partners, and a global third-party compliance and social accountability firm, we require our associated fleet to formally agree to meet or exceed the standards of our Social Accountability Code of Conduct. Despite considerable challenges related to our supply chains and eclectic providers, FCF is on the forefront of ensuring we meet relevant social responsibility and sustainability standards.

“There is always room for improvement, and even a single case of alleged abuse is too many. FCF remains committed to leading our industry’s social responsibility effort, and to ensuring respect for all fishing laborers. We welcome anyone who has questions about our work approach, partners, policies, or practices to contact us directly, as we have welcomed dialogue with Greenpeace and other stakeholders.”

About FCF Fishery Co., Ltd. (FCF)

Fong Chun Formosa Fishery Company, Ltd. (FCF) is one of the largest marine products trading companies globally with more than 40 years of experience in the trading and marketing of tuna products. FCF has established more than 30 subsidiaries, fishing bases and shipping agents throughout the world to handle the service needs of its customers. The company works closely with related governing and non-governing organizations to ensure environmental sustainability of marine life products. Learn more about the company’s commitment to safety and environmental sustainability at www.fcf.com.tw.



for FCF Fishery, Co.
Margie M. Newman, 1+ 619-995-3078


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