12:47 uur 04-06-2018

GSMA kondigt de afronding aan van het eerste Europese NB-IoT roamingproefproject


Deutsche Telekom en Vodafone Group ronden succesvolle NB-IoT Roaming Trial in Europa af; 51 gelicenceerde commerciële breedbandnetwerken met laag stroomverbruik nu in gebruik

De GSMA kondigde vandaag aan dat de mobiele operatoren Deutsche Telekom en Vodafone Group met succes de eerste internationale roamingproef in Europa hebben voltooid door gebruik te maken van de in licentie gegeven NB-IoT technologie. De dienst zal zorgen voor naadloze dekking en servicecontinuïteit voor miljoenen verbindingen via LPWA-netwerken (Low Power Wide Area). De proef werd uitgevoerd met behulp van wereldwijde SIM’s van Deutsche Telekom op het netwerk van Vodafone Spanje en wereldwijde Vodafone SIM’s op het netwerk van T-Mobile Austria en commerciële NB-IoT modules. De proeven zullen ook andere exploitanten begeleiden bij het bereiken van een consistent implementatieniveau.

“Het succes van deze testen is een belangrijke mijlpaal in de ontwikkeling van een betrouwbare roamingomgeving voor Mobile IoT netwerken en toont zowel de capaciteiten als dat het zorgt voor consistente dienstverlening over geografische grenzen”, zegt Alex Sinclair, Chief Technology Officer van GSMA. “De markt is in korte tijd aanzienlijk volwassen geworden en we verwachten dat dit het jaar wordt dat het mobiele ivd daalt. Ongetwijfeld komt dit omdat alleen gelicenseerde, beheerde mobiele diensten de veilige laag-vermogensverbinding kunnen leveren die aan de toekomstige vraag kan voldoen.”

GSMA Announces Completion of First European NB-IoT Roaming Trial


Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone Group Complete Successful NB-IoT Roaming Trial in Europe; 51 Licensed Commerical Low Power Wide Area Networks Now in Service

The GSMA today announced that mobile operators Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone Group have successfully completed the first international roaming trial in Europe using licensed NB-IoT technology. The service will ensure seamless coverage and service continuity for millions of connections using Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) networks. The trial was performed using global SIMs from Deutsche Telekom on Vodafone Spain’s network and global Vodafone SIMs on T-Mobile Austria’s network and commercial NB-IoT modules. The trials will also provide guidance to other operators in delivering a consistent level of implementation.

“The success of these trials is an important milestone in the development of a sustainable roaming environment for Mobile IoT networks, showcasing their capabilities as well as ensuring consistent service across geographical boundaries,” said Alex Sinclair, Chief Technology Officer, GSMA. “The market has matured considerably in a very short time and we anticipate that this will be the year that Mobile IoT scales. Undoubtedly this is because only licensed, managed mobile services can provide the secure low power connection that can meet future demand.”

Roaming is particularly important to manufacturers deploying LPWA devices on a global basis and looking to benefit from economies of scale. It is also critical for use cases such as logistics tracking, which may involve containers crossing numerous international borders on a single trip, as well as for devices that may be manufactured in one country but deployed in another, such as smart meters. The roaming test cases were jointly developed by Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone and include important power saving features such as Power Saving Mode (PSM), Long Periodic Tracking Area Update (TAU) and various throughput and round-trip-time measurements. Underscored by the success of these trials, the industry is working to accelerate the adoption of NB-IoT roaming around the world.

“Deutsche Telekom has successfully introduced and developed NB-IoT networks across most of its European footprint and we are very pleased to see the ecosystem rapidly expanding,” says Ingo Hofacker, responsible for the IoT business in the Deutsche Telekom Group. “First commercial offers are available on a national basis already, but now, operators need to satisfy customer demand for international coverage and service continuity as well.”

Vodafone director of IoT Stefano Gestaut said, “This development shows the successful evolution of the technology and I am confident that it will lead to a raft of new applications for NB-IoT, such as the cold chain monitoring of goods across borders.

The GSMA’s Mobile IoT Initiative has helped standardise licenced LPWA technologies including NB-IoT and LTE-M in 3GPP and to date, 29 mobile operators have launched 51 commercial Mobile IoT networks around the world. The GSMA is working to accelerate the adoption of Mobile IoT through 36 Open IoT Labs, enabling operators, module vendors and application providers to develop LPWA devices and applications for a wide variety of verticals. The GSMA’s Mobile IoT Innovators Community is supported by an expanding community of over 900 organisations. According to GSMA Intelligence forecasts, by 2025 there will be 3.1 billion cellular IoT connections, including 1.8 billion licensed LPWA connections.

The GSMA Mobile IoT Initiative is backed by over 70 global mobile operators, device makers and chipset, module and infrastructure companies worldwide and helped the industry to standardise and deliver commercial Low Power Wide Area technologies in licensed spectrum, in particular the complementary technologies NB-IoT and LTE-M. These networks are designed to support mass market IoT applications across a wide variety of applications such as industrial asset tracking, safety monitoring or water and gas metering, that are low cost, use low data rates, require long battery lives and often operate in remote locations.

For further information on the Mobile IoT initiative visit: www.gsma.com/iot/mobile-iot-initiative/.


About the GSMA
The GSMA represents the interests of mobile operators worldwide, uniting nearly 800 operators with more than 300 companies in the broader mobile ecosystem, including handset and device makers, software companies, equipment providers and internet companies, as well as organisations in adjacent industry sectors. The GSMA also produces industry-leading events such as Mobile World Congress, Mobile World Congress Shanghai, Mobile World Congress Americas and the Mobile 360 Series of conferences.

For more information, please visit the GSMA corporate website at www.gsma.com. Follow the GSMA on Twitter: @GSMA.



For the GSMA
Beau Bass
+44 79 7662 4962
GSMA Press Office

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