10:53 uur 05-06-2018

Chugai’s HEMLIBRA® ontvangt de status van prioriteitstoetsing van de Amerikaanse FDA voor hemofilie A zonder Enzymremmer


Tweede Aanduiding na hemofilie A met Enzymremmers –

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (TOKYO:4519) kondigde vandaag aan dat de Amerikaanse Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) de aanvullende Biologics License Application (sBLA) heeft aanvaard en Priority Review heeft toegekend voor HEMLIBRA® [Amerikaanse generieke naam: emicizumab-kxwh] voor volwassenen en kinderen met hemofilie A zonder factor VIII-Enzymremmers. Verwacht wordt dat de FDA rond 4 oktober 2018 een beslissing zal nemen over de goedkeuring. In de Verenigde Staten is Genentech, Inc., onderdeel van het Roche-concern, de BLA-houder en houdt het zich bezig met de ontwikkeling en distributie van HEMLIBRA, dat in november 2017 voor hemofilie A met Enzymremmers werd goedgekeurd en op de markt werd gebracht.

“Wij zijn zeer trots dat HEMLIBRA een tweede Prioriteitsoverzicht voor hemofilie A zonder Enzymremmers na de vorige benoeming voor hemofilie A met Enzymremmers is verleend, die de innovatie van dit medicijn onderstreept,” zei de Uitvoerende Ondervoorzitter van Chugai, Co-Head van Project & de Eenheid van het Beheer van de Levensloop, Dr. Yasushi Ito. “Bij de behandeling van hemofilie A zonder Enzymremmers, blijven er nog steeds onvervulde medische behoeften in het beheer van bloedingen. Gezien deze status van Prioriteitstoetsing hopen we zo snel mogelijk een bijdrage te kunnen leveren aan mensen met hemofilie A en hun verzorgers door HEMLIBRA aan te bieden als een nieuwe behandelingsoptie die subcutaan kan worden toegediend met een goede bloedingscontrole en een verlichting van de behandellast.

Chugai’s HEMLIBRA® Receives Priority Review Status from U.S. FDA for Hemophilia A Without Inhibitors


– Second Designation following Hemophilia A with inhibitors –

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (TOKYO:4519) announced today that the U.S. Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) has accepted the supplemental Biologics License Application (sBLA) and granted Priority Review for HEMLIBRA® [US generic name: emicizumab-kxwh] for adults and children with hemophilia A without factor VIII inhibitors. The FDA is expected to make a decision on approval by 4 October, 2018. In the US, Genentech, Inc., a member of Roche Group is the BLA holder and is engaged in the development and distribution of HEMLIBRA, which was approved and launched for hemophilia A with inhibitors in November 2017.

“We are very proud that HEMLIBRA has been granted a second Priority Review for hemophilia A without inhibitors following the previous designation for hemophilia A with inhibitors, which underscores the innovation of this drug,” said Chugai’s Executive Vice President, Co-Head of Project & Lifecycle Management Unit, Dr. Yasushi Ito. “In treatment of hemophilia A without inhibitors, there still remain unmet medical needs in the management of bleeding. Given this Priority Review status, we hope to be able to contribute to people with hemophilia A and their caregivers as soon as possible by providing HEMLIBRA as a new treatment option that can be administered subcutaneously with good bleeding control and eased treatment burden.”

The sBLA filing and Priority Review are based on the results of HAVEN 3 study (NCT02847637), which has been conducted with adults and adolescents with hemophilia A without factor VIII inhibitors under a collaboration between Chugai, Roche and Genentech. In EU, Roche has already filed the results to the European Medicines Agency for a supplemental indication of hemophilia A without inhibitors.

Priority Review designation is granted to medicines that the FDA has determined to have the potential to provide significant improvements in safety or effectiveness of the treatment, prevention or diagnosis of a serious disease. In Japan, HEMLIBRA received regulatory approval in March 2018 for routine prophylaxis to prevent or reduce the frequency of bleeding episodes in patients with congenital factor VIII deficiency (hemophilia A) with factor VIII inhibitors and, in April 2018, was filed to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare for a supplemental indication of hemophilia A without inhibitors.

Trademarks used or mentioned in this release are protected by law.

About Chugai

Chugai Pharmaceutical is one of Japan’s leading research-based pharmaceutical companies with strengths in biotechnology products. Chugai, based in Tokyo, specializes in prescription pharmaceuticals and is listed on the 1st section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. As an important member of the Roche Group, Chugai is actively involved in R&D activities in Japan and abroad. Specifically, Chugai is working to develop innovative products which may satisfy the unmet medical needs, mainly focusing on the oncology area.

In Japan, Chugai’s research facilities in Gotemba and Kamakura are collaborating to develop new pharmaceuticals and laboratories in Ukima are conducting research for technology development for industrial production. Overseas, Chugai Pharmabody Research based in Singapore is engaged in research focusing on the generation of novel antibody drugs by utilizing Chugai’s proprietary innovative antibody engineering technologies. Chugai Pharma USA and Chugai Pharma Europe are engaged in clinical development activities in the United States and Europe.

The consolidated revenue in 2017 of Chugai totaled 534.2 billion yen and the operating income was 103.2 billion yen (IFRS Core basis).

Additional information is available on the internet at https://www.chugai-pharm.co.jp/english.



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E-mail: pr@chugai-pharm.co.jp
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Tel: +1-908-516-1350
E-mail: pr@chugai-pharm.com
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E-mail: pr@chugai.eu
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Tel: +886-2-2715-2000
E-mail: pr@chugai.com.tw
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Tel: +81-3-3273-0554
E-mail: ir@chugai-pharm.co.jp

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