11:16 uur 04-07-2018

Exclusive Group ‘gaat alleen’ om wereldwijde Cyber-Sec & Cloud Specialist van $10 miljard te bouwen


Group markeert nieuwe ‘Dag van de Onafhankelijkheid’ door de investeringstransactie met Permira af te ronden, de onverdunde zakelijke aanpak te handhaven en het agressieve groeitraject voort te zetten

Exclusive Group, de groep diensten en technologieën met toegevoegde waarde (VAST), heeft vandaag haar onafhankelijkheidsverklaring hernieuwd door een belangrijke investeringstransactie af te ronden met fondsen geadviseerd door Permira, een particuliere beleggingsmaatschappij. In plaats van haar onderscheidende, waarde-georiënteerde aanpak af te zwakken door te consolideren met andere belangrijke VAD-spelers, zal deze katalysator Exclusive Group in staat stellen haar visie uit te breiden en ‘s werelds grootste specialist VAD in cyber- en cloudtransformatie te creëren, met als doel in de komende jaren een jaaromzet van $10 miljard te bereiken.

Exclusive Group ‘Goes it alone’ to Build Global $10 billion Cyber-Sec & Cloud Specialist


Group marks new ‘Independence Day’ by completing investment transaction with Permira, maintaining its undiluted business approach and aggressive growth trajectory

Exclusive Group, the value-added services and technologies (VAST) group, today renewed its declaration of independence by completing a major investment transaction with funds advised by private investment firm, Permira. Rather than dilute its distinctive, value-oriented approach by consolidating with other major VAD players, this catalyst will enable Exclusive Group to extend its vision and create the world’s largest global specialist VAD in cyber and cloud transformation, with a target to reach $10bn annual revenue in the years ahead.

Olivier Breittmayer, CEO at Exclusive Group, said: “Cybersecurity and cloud are the leading business priorities in this age of digital transformation, both as separate disciplines but – even more so – joined together as a co-dependent whole. Both sectors are becoming increasingly complex, and both suffer from a huge lack of skills & knowledge. The Industry needs a VAD that can fill this gap and we aim to do that. We believe we have the right and relevant focus; vendors, services and skill sets to build a compelling offer for channel partners and vendors to realise significant profitable growth.”

By pursuing a specialist focus in cyber and cloud, Exclusive Group is addressing the widening global shortage in skills and knowledge among channel partners and end-user organisations to enable the desired pace and success of digital transformation. “We have some of the best people in the world and by far the highest ratio of engineers of any distributor in our class,” added Breittmayer. “We also have the greatest track record of ensuring local, regional and global market success for disruptive technologies. Our strategy will see us continue to build out the strongest possible vendor portfolio in our ‘cyber super centres’ and ‘cloud competency centres’ – across all relevant segments – and expand our service offerings and global footprint to meet the demands of any project.”

Michail Zekkos, Partner in the technology team at Permira commented; “Exclusive Group’s unrivalled focus and commitment to cyber and cloud is very exciting and we are delighted to partner with the company. We believe that enterprise cloud and cybersecurity will continue to rapidly converge, creating a tremendous market opportunity for the company to enable that transition while positioning its channel partners at its forefront. Preserving the entrepreneurial spirit and independence of the business while continuing to innovate with speed and at scale will be key to executing on its next phase of growth.”



Cohesive for Exclusive Group
Greg Halse/Ellie Stansfield
+44 (0) 1291 626200

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