President Clinton geeft keynotespeech over het uitbannen van vermijdbare sterfgevallen in ziekenhuizen aan het slot van de 7e jaarlijkse Wereldtop over patiëntveiligheid, wetenschap en technologie
IRVINE — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Voor het zevende jaar op rij zal Bill Clinton, President van de Verenigde Staten, de leiders in de gezondheidszorg toespreken en de slotopmerkingen maken op de 7e jaarlijkse World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit, die op 18 en 19 januari 2019 in Huntington Beach, Californië wordt gehouden.
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President Clinton, de oprichter van de Clinton Foundation, de 42ste president van de Verenigde Staten en een schrijver van de New York Times bestseller, blijft onwrikbare steun verlenen aan de zaak van het uitbannen van vermijdbare sterfgevallen in ziekenhuizen sinds de openingszitting in januari 2013. Door zijn leiderschap en aanwezigheid heeft hij onze gezondheidszorggemeenschap geïnspireerd om actie te ondernemen om het aantal vermijdbare sterfgevallen als gevolg van medische fouten in ziekenhuizen te verminderen – de derde doodsoorzaak in de Verenigde Staten en de veertiende doodsoorzaak wereldwijd. Via de Clinton Foundation en het Clinton Health Access Initiative blijft president Clinton de gezondheid en het welzijn bevorderen door toegang te bieden tot levensreddende hiv/aidsmedicatie, de opioïde-epidemie te bestrijden, obesitas bij kinderen te bestrijden en veranderingen in de gezondheidszorg in gemeenschappen in de VS door te voeren.
President Clinton to Deliver Closing Keynote Address on Eliminating Preventable Deaths in Hospitals at the 7th Annual World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit
IRVINE, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– For the seventh year in a row, U.S. President Bill Clinton will address healthcare leaders and deliver the closing keynote remarks at the 7th Annual World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit, to be held in Huntington Beach, California, on January 18th and 19th, 2019.
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President Bill Clinton, the Founder of the Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States, to speak at the 7th Annual World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit (Photo: Business Wire)
President Clinton, the Founder of the Clinton Foundation, 42nd President of the United States and a New York Times bestselling author, continues to provide unwavering support to the cause of eliminating preventable deaths in hospitals since the inaugural Summit in January 2013. Through his leadership and presence, he has inspired our healthcare community to take action to reduce preventable deaths in hospitals due to medical errors – the third leading cause of death in the United States, and 14th cause of death worldwide. Through the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Health Access Initiative, President Clinton continues to promote health and wellness – providing access to life-saving HIV/AIDS medication, fighting the opioid epidemic, combating childhood obesity, and implementing health systems change in communities across the U.S.
“We are thrilled to have President Clinton continue this journey with us to eliminate preventable patient deaths in our hospitals,” said Joe Kiani, Founder of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation. “With his steadfast commitment to this cause, we have been able to convene some of the best minds and hearts and their work has had a profound impact on millions of lives around the world.”
Since the inaugural Summit, the Patient Safety Movement Foundation has convened healthcare luminaries and those passionate about patient safety to identify and develop evidence-based solutions, called Actionable Patient Safety Solutions (APSS), to eliminate the 30 leading causes of preventable harm erroring our hospitals. Nearly 5,000 hospitals and partners from over 40 countries have adopted these life-saving APSS, saving between 81,533 and 200,000 lives in 2017 alone.
President Clinton, who serves as Honorary Global Chair of the Patient Safety Movement Foundation’s Regional Networks, joins an acclaimed group of global leaders, government representatives, healthcare and hospital CEOs, medical experts, and patient advocates who gather annually at the World Summit to share the latest research and best practices to confront preventable hospital deaths around the world.
For more information, please visit the Patient Safety Movement Foundation website. Members of the media may request a press pass by contacting Tanya Lyon – phone (949) 351-2858 or email
About Patient Safety Movement Foundation: More than 200,000 people die every year in U.S. hospitals and 4.8 million worldwide in ways that could have been prevented. The Patient Safety Movement Foundation is a global non-profit which creates free tools for patients and hospitals. The Patient Safety Movement Foundation was established through the support of the Masimo Foundation for Ethics, Innovation, and Competition in Healthcare to reduce that number of preventable deaths to ZERO by 2020 (0X2020™). Improving patient safety will require a collaborative effort from all stakeholders, including patients, healthcare providers, medical technology companies, government, employers, and private payers. The Patient Safety Movement Foundation works with all stakeholders to address the problems with actionable solutions for patient safety. The Foundation also convenes the World Patient Safety, Science & Technology Summit. The Summit brings together some of the world’s best minds for thought-provoking discussions and new ideas to challenge the status quo. By presenting specific, high-impact solutions to meet patient safety challenges, called Actionable Patient Safety Solutions, encouraging medical technology companies to share the data their products are purchased for, and asking hospitals to make commitments to implement Actionable Patient Safety Solutions, the Patient Safety Movement Foundation is working toward ZERO preventable deaths by 2020. Visit
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Patient Safety Movement Foundation
Tanya Lyon, (949) 351-2858