10:32 uur 18-09-2018

Nima sluit partnership met wereldwijd allergieleider ALK voor Europese distributie

SAN FRANCISCO – (BUSINESS WIRE) – vandaag, Nima, de pionier in verbonden voedselsensoren, kondigt hun vennootschap met globale allergieleider, ALK, voor Europese distributie van zijn draagbare gluten sensor aan. ALK heeft Nima met de hand uitgekozen op basis van de wetenschap en validatie achter zijn sensoren en de strengheid waarmee het zijn producten test en bouwt.

ALK is een wereldwijd opererend farmaceutisch bedrijf dat zich al bijna 100 jaar bezighoudt met allergiepreventie, diagnose en behandeling. Zij zijn de belangrijkste vernieuwers in allergie-immunotherapie, een unieke behandeling die allergische symptomen vermindert en de oorzaak van de allergie behandelt. Sinds de oprichting heeft ALK gewerkt aan de verbetering van de levenskwaliteit van allergiepatiënten.

De Nima Gluten Sensor is nu beschikbaar op de nieuwe direct-to-consumer site van ALK, klarify.me. Deze samenwerking is de belangrijkste eerste stap in de internationale kanaaluitbreiding van Nima. De Gluten Sensor is nu beschikbaar in Duitsland en zal volgende maand beschikbaar zijn in het Verenigd Koninkrijk.

Nima Partners met Global Allergy Leader ALK voor Europese distributie

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Today, Nima, the pioneer in connected food sensors, announces their partnership with global allergy leader, ALK, for European distribution of its portable gluten sensor. ALK handpicked Nima based on the science and validation behind its sensors and the rigor to which it tests and builds its products.

ALK is a research-driven, global pharmaceutical company focusing on allergy prevention, diagnosis and treatment for close to 100 years. They are the foremost innovators in allergy immunotherapy, a unique treatment which reduces allergic symptoms and treats the cause of the allergy. Since its inception, ALK has been working to improve quality of life for allergy patients.

The Nima Gluten Sensor is now available from ALK’s new direct-to-consumer site, klarify.me. This partnership is the major first step in Nima’s international channel expansion. The Gluten Sensor is now available in Germany and will be available in the United Kingdom next month.

For the millions of people around the world with food allergies, eating foods they haven’t prepared themselves can be incredibly dangerous and nerve wracking. Nima hopes to relieve some of the anxiety that comes with eating out. The Nima Gluten Sensor is a quick and portable device that tests for the presence of the gluten proteins that cause allergic reactions. Early this month, Nima also launched its Peanut Sensor in the U.S.

“Nima is the leader in portable allergy testing,” said Mads Lacoppidan, Head of Consumer Care Division at ALK. “We are incredibly impressed with the Nima Gluten Sensor and are proud to add it to our curated portfolio of allergy related products on klarify.me. Nima has put their sensors through rigorous testing and have achieved astounding results representing its accuracy and reliability clearly evidenced by scientific data which is now published in peer-reviewed journals.”

“More than 15 million people in the United States are battling food allergies and there are even more worldwide,” said Shireen Yates, CEO and co-founder of Nima. “We are so eager to get this device into the hands of more people around the world to help them make more informed decisions about what they eat.”

About Nima

Founded in 2013, Nima is a science-driven technology company making the world safer for people who want and need to know what’s in their food. Through people-friendly products that identify individual ingredients in food, and a growing community of users and data, every day Nima enables people to enjoy what’s on their plates. Co-founders Shireen Yates and Scott Sundvor created Nima out of personal experience with food intolerances. To date, Nima has raised more than $15 million, including financing from Foundry Group, Upfront Ventures, SoftTech VC, SK Ventures and Lemnos Labs, with additional federal grants from the National Institutes of Health. For more Nima news, visit our blog or press section.

About ALK

ALK is a global specialty pharmaceutical company focused on allergy and allergic asthma. It markets allergy immunotherapy treatments and other products and services for people with allergy and allergy doctors. Headquartered in Hørsholm, Denmark, ALK employs around 2,300 people worldwide and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen. Find more information at www.alk.net.


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