GE Transportation locomotieven goedgekeurd voor gebruik door Indian Railways
- Indian Railways hebben officieel goedkeuring gegeven aan GE Transportation’s diesel-elektrische locomotieven, na intensieve testen en proeven
- Locomotieven zullen India’s spoorwegeninfrastructuur verbeteren en zijn groeiende economie ondersteunen
- GE Transportation’s fabriek in Marhowra, India, start met productie in het vierde kwartaal
GE Transportation (NYSE:GE) kondigde vandaag op InnoTrans 2018 aan dat Indian Railways zijn goedkeuring heeft bevestigd van GE’s 4500 pk diesel-elektrische Evolution Series prototype locomotief. De kritieke mijlpaal is behaald na het succesvol afronden van intensieve testrondes op de sporen van Indian Railways, volgend op de locomotief overdracht in februari 2018.
“De goedkeuring van deze locomotieven is een ode aan de diepte en kennis van klantenbehoeftes van GE’s engineering,” zei Nalin Jain, president en CEO-APAC, GE Transportation. “Dit is een gigantische stap in het nakomen van ons contract met Indian Railways. Samen zullen we helpen bij het moderniseren van de treinen van Indian Railways, wat een significante upgrade is voor de spoorinfrastructuur in India en kritieke ondersteuning levert aan India’s groeiende economie.”
GE Transportation locomotives approved for operation by Indian Railways
- Indian Railways officially approved GE Transportation’s diesel-electric locomotives for operation, following intense testing and trials
- Locomotives to upgrade India’s rail infrastructure and support its growing economy
- GE Transportation’s plant in Marhowra, India, to start production in fourth quarter
GE Transportation (NYSE:GE) announced today at InnoTrans 2018 that Indian Railways has confirmed its acceptance of GE’s 4,500-horsepower diesel-electric Evolution Series prototype locomotive. This critical milestone was achieved following the successful completion of rigorous testing on Indian Railways’ tracks following the locomotive handover in February 2018.
“The acceptance of these locomotives is a testament to GE’s engineering depth and understanding of the customer requirements,” said Nalin Jain, President and CEO-APAC, GE Transportation. “This is a major step towards fulfilling our contract with Indian Railways. Together we will help modernize Indian Railways’ fleet, significantly upgrade India’s rail infrastructure and provide critical support for India’s growing economy.”
A standard practice, the acceptance of the 4500hp locomotives came after months of reviewing key design aspects, documentation and a thorough validation around various parameters in the U.S. and India. The locomotives also completed additional reviews, including oscillation trials and rating and performance tests.
The new units feature an Evolution Series engine and an electronic fuel-injection system for improved fuel efficiency, as well as compliance with international emission standard UIC1. The individual axle-control AC propulsion technology will improve hauling capability and decrease life-cycle cost. The locomotives also are digitally enabled for predictive analytics to increase reliability and availability.
The locomotives are part of a $2.5 billion agreement signed in 2015 in support of the Government of India’s Public Private Partnership ‘Make in India’ program. The deal included an order for 1,000 locomotives, as well as the establishment of a new GE Transportation factory and maintenance sheds in India.
The project is on track and has achieved several key milestones. Currently, there are 45 locomotives in India that are ready for inspection and acceptance by Indian Railways. GE’s state-of-the-art Roza Maintenance Shed in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India, is ready for operations and the construction of the factory in Marhowra, Bihar, is in advanced stages towards completion. Operations will begin in the fourth quarter. Once fully operational, all locomotives built in Marhowra under the agreement will have 70 percent localized content.
Both Marhowra and Roza will set new standards in Indian Railways for manufacturing, maintenance and monitoring of diesel locomotives, as well as spark job creation and skills development across the region.
“We are aligned with the Government of India’s vision to modernize and ‘Make in India’,” said Jain. “Together, we are making tremendous progress on the vision and continuing to invest in the region.”
Visit the GE Transportation InnoTrans 2018 webpage to learn more about this week’s announcements, demos and displays. The GE Transportation booth is located at Hall 3.2, Stand 401.
About GE Transportation
At GE Transportation, we move the world and improve the world. We are a global technology leader and supplier of equipment, services and digital solutions to the rail, mining, marine, stationary power and drilling industries. Our innovations help customers deliver goods and services with greater speed and savings using our advanced manufacturing techniques and connected machines. GE Transportation is headquartered in Chicago and employs approximately 9,000 employees worldwide.
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Deia Campanelli
GE Transportation
(773) 297-0482
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