Nederlandse aandeelhoudersstichting behaalt belangrijke overwinning voor Petrobras investeerders met miljarden aan verliezen in Europese effectenfraudezaken
STAMFORD, Conn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– International Securities Associations & Foundations Management Company (ISAF)
Vandaag kondigde het arrondissementsrechtbank in Rotterdam aan dat het beslist heeft ten voordele van Stichting Petrobras Compensation Foundation (SPCF of Foundation) inzake de argumenten om jurisdictie te vestigen in Nederland voor in aanmerking komende Petrobras investeerders voor verliezen gerelateerd aan de “Lavo Jato” of “Operation Car Wash” schandaal. Het Hof oordeelde ook dat de arbitrageclausule in de artikelen van Petrobras niet kan verhinderen dat de SPCF een vordering tegen Petrobras indient namens benadeelde aandeelhouders van Petrobras.
Dutch Shareholder Foundation Achieves Significant Victory For Petrobras Investors With Billions In Losses In European Securities Fraud Litigation
STAMFORD, Conn.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– International Securities Associations & Foundations Management Company (ISAF)
Today the District Court in Rotterdam has ruled in favor of Stichting Petrobras Compensation Foundation (SPCF or Foundation) regarding arguments to establish jurisdiction in the Netherlands for eligible Petrobras investors seeking compensation for losses related to the “Lavo Jato” or “Operation Car Wash” scandal. Also the Court ruled that the arbitration clause in Petrobras’ Articles cannot preclude the SPCF from bringing a claim against Petrobras on behalf of aggrieved Petrobras shareholders.
ISAF congratulates SPCF on this important legal decision and reminds investors that losses from investments in primary shares of Petrobras traded in Brazil on the Brasil Bolsa Balcão S.A. or B3 – Brazil (formerly BM&FBOVESPA) and via linked markets in Europe and also Bonds bought outside the US, will not be compensated under the US $3 billion settlement in the US.
Robert Frome, Chairman of ISAF, commented: “The ruling affirms that Petrobras investors, who were caught by surprise when revelations of corruption and fraud emerged in 2014, will be heard in a legal forum in the Netherlands which has previously dealt with complex collective shareholder litigations.” Frome continued: “The ruling in Rotterdam should be encouraging to investors, who originally believed that their recovery options were limited to arbitration in Brazil, and were thus rightly discouraged by the probable unfavorable outcome for investors in a ‘home court’ jurisdiction for Petrobras.”
Investors who have not already registered claims in the Netherlands are encouraged to contact ISAF now that this critical ruling on jurisdiction has been achieved. Petrobras investors who considered arbitration in Brazil should contact ISAF to register a claim in the Netherlands.
Media Information
More information about the litigation can be found at SPCF appointed International Securities Associations & Foundations Management Company (ISAF) to coordinate all administration with investors, including funding of all litigation costs so investors can participate on a contingency only basis with no upfront cost. More information about ISAF can be found at
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