Easy Visual lanceert app voor gericht advertentiebereik door middel van smartphones
LIVERPOOL, Engeland–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Easy Visual heeft de Banners App gelanceerd – een mobiele applicatie dat gerichte reclamebanners laat zien aan gebruikers als ze hun telefoon openen.
Recent onderzoek van Boston Consulting Group duidt aan dat consumenten 25% van hun totale offline en online mediaconsumptie op hun mobiele telefoons spenderen. Daarentegen, spenderen adverteerders slechts 12% van hun budget aan mobiele advertenties. Mobiele advertenties worden ondergewaardeerd door sommige merken en dit resulteert in een verlies van potentiële klanten. Easy Visual heeft besloten om de situatie te veranderen.
69% van consumenten van 18 tot 39 jaar oud gebruiken smartphones om producten op te zoeken voordat ze ze kopen. Banners App biedt merken en adverteerders een platform om alleen getoond te worden aan hun doelgroepen en om echte kijkcijfers, statistieken op het aantal views en de wisselkoers te bekijken. Bedrijven krijgen potentiële klanten, merkbekendheid en betere ROI. Het vermijdt het verlies van merkreputatie, want gebruikers kijken vrijwillig naar de advertenties.
Easy Visual Launches App For Targeted Advertising Reach Through Smartphones
LIVERPOOL, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Easy Visual has launched Banners App – a mobile application that shows targeted banners ads to users when they unlock their smartphones.
Recent Boston Consulting Group research indicates that consumers spend 25% of their total offline and online media consumption time on mobile phones. However, advertisers spend only 12% of their budgets on mobile ads. Mobile advertising is unappreciated by some brands and it results in a loss of potential clients. Easy Visual has decided to change the situation.
69% of consumers from 18 to 39 years old use smartphones to look for products before buying them. Banners App offer brands and advertisers ads shown only to their target audiences, real views, statistics on the number of views and the conversion rate. Companies get potential customers, brand recognition and better ROI. It avoids brand reputational loss, because users voluntarily look at the advertising messages.
Easy Visual is an innovative advertising network that provides advertisers and brands with opportunities to customize their ads in accordance with customers’ interest and needs. On September 9th 2018, at the FutureNet World Convention in Macau, the company announced the launch of Banners App. Since starting, the company has already had an audience of 3,5 in 190 countries.
“The advertisement is targeted on each separate user in accordance with the personal characteristics. Thus, brands can be sure that their advertisement is shown to the target audience and users see only relevant advertising corresponding to their interests. At the same time, users can visit the website of a brand by clicking on the banner or simply close the ad. The display of advertisement if real and not conditional as it often happens in banner advertising where users may not even see the banner that is paid by advertisers”, – Rafal Szymanski, Easy Visual CEO.
App Functionality
Banners App is a mobile Android-based application that is activated every time a user unlocks a phone. Users indicate their personal information in the app and the ads targeting is customized in accordance with the location, gender, marital status, education, languages, interests, professional achievements, and wellness. App users can also set how often they want to see ads. The app is already available for download on Google Play.
Detailed information about the project is available at Easy Visual official website
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Easy Visual
Amanda Townsend
Phone: +447441912597