Henley & Partners publiceert uitgebreide gidsen voor Zwitserse en Oostenrijkse verhuizingen
LONDEN –(BUSINESS WIRE)– Henley & Partners, de wereldleider op het gebied van woonplaats- en burgerschapsplanning, heeft twee nieuwe gidsen gepubliceerd voor verhuizingen naar Zwitserland en Oostenrijk, waarin een scala aan onderwerpen aan bod komt die relevant zijn voor ultrahoge netto-waarde (UHNW) en ondernemers die naar deze landen willen verhuizen.
Dr. Juerg Steffen, Chief Operating Officer van Henley & Partners en redacteur van beide boeken, zegt dat de publicatie van de gidsen op het juiste moment komt: “Vandaag de dag, na zeven decennia van snelle globalisering, wonen er bijna 260 miljoen mensen buiten hun land van herkomst, bijna 50% meer dan in 2000. Met meer internationale connectiviteit en mobiliteit komt er een nieuwe gemeenschap van wereldburgers, met een dynamische en vloeiende identiteit. Het is tegen deze achtergrond dat deze boeken zijn uitgebracht: verhuizing is een zeer relevant onderwerp in 2018.
Henley & Partners Publishes Comprehensive Guides to Swiss and Austrian Relocation
LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Henley & Partners, the global leader in residence and citizenship planning, has published two new guides to relocating to Switzerland and Austria, covering a range of topics relevant to ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) and entrepreneurial individuals interested in moving to these countries.
Dr. Juerg Steffen, Chief Operating Officer of Henley & Partners and editor of both books, says the publication of the guides is timely: “Today, following seven decades of rapid globalization, there are close to 260 million people living outside their country of origin, almost 50% more than there were in 2000. With greater international connectivity and mobility comes a new community of global citizens, whose identities are dynamic and fluid. It is against this backdrop that these books have been released: relocation is a highly relevant topic in 2018.”
Relocation to Switzerland: An Introduction for High-Net-Worth Individuals and Entrepreneurs is now in its 3rd edition and contains detailed, user-friendly explanations of every aspect of the Swiss relocation process, including customs, residence and permanent settlement, citizenship, real estate, taxation, pension, health insurance, matrimonial property law and inheritance law, and education.
Similarly, Relocation to Austria: An Introduction for High-Net-Worth Individuals and Entrepreneurs, now in its 2nd edition, has been updated to include the latest insights pertaining to Austrian relocation: taxation, customs, citizenship law, health insurance, real estate, inheritance law, private foundations, and banking.
Because of their high levels of human development and peace and stability, as well as their strong international ties, Austria and Switzerland consistently feature near the top of both the Henley Passport Index and the Henley & Partners – Kochenov Quality of Nationality Index (QNI). As of 2 October 2018, the Austrian passport is ranked 4th in the world, with visa-free access to 186 destinations worldwide, while the Swiss passport is ranked 5th, with 185 destinations accessible without a prior visa.
Dr. Christian H. Kälin, Group Chairman of Henley & Partners, says our place of residence or citizenship is much more flexible than many people realize. “Residence- and citizenship-by-investment programs, such as those in place in Switzerland and Austria, allow individuals to drastically improve their global prospects.”
From 4 to 6 November 2018, Henley & Partners will host its 12th annual Global Residence and Citizenship Conference in Dubai.
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Sarah Nicklin
Senior Group Public Relations Manager
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