Intelligent Fingerprinting: vingerafdruk drugsproef werkt op levenden en overledenen
Het rapport van de studie van analytische toxicologie bevestigt hoe de revolutionaire drugstest vier soorten drugsmisbruik in slechts 10 minuten kan ontdekken
Lijkschouwers gebruiken de test om drugs in vingerafdrukzweet te ontdekken dat in mortuaria worden afgenomen
Nieuw onderzoek dat in het Journal of Analytical Toxicology wordt gepubliceerd, toont aan hoe vingerafdrukgebaseerd drugsonderzoek niet alleen de aanwezigheid of afwezigheid van vier soorten drugsmisbruik kan aantonen, maar dat de technologie ook werkt wanneer deze door Britse lijkschouwers wordt gebruikt om drugs te detecteren in het zweet van vingerafdrukmonsters van overledenen.
Intelligent Fingerprinting: Fingerprint Drug Screen Test Works on the Living and Deceased
Journal of Analytical Toxicology study confirms how revolutionary drug test can detect four classes of drugs of abuse in just 10 minutes
Coroners use test to detect drugs in fingerprint sweat samples taken in mortuaries
New research published in the Journal of Analytical Toxicology shows how fingerprint-based drug screening can not only screen for the presence, or absence, of four classes of drugs of abuse, but that the technology also works when used by UK coroners to detect drugs in the sweat of fingerprint samples gathered from deceased individuals.
The Intelligent Fingerprinting Drug Screening System enables the detection of four drug classes (amphetamines, cannabis, cocaine and opiates) from a single fingerprint sample in just ten minutes. Its use in coroner mortuaries demonstrates the value of the revolutionary system that’s also being used in drug rehabilitation centres, workplaces and schools. Studies are also underway for its use in airport screening and offender management applications within prisons and probation services.
View a video demonstrating fingerprint-based drug testing in action here.
“This new research highlights how our lateral flow drug screening cartridge can screen rapidly for drug use in individuals using a fingerprint sample with a sample collection time of only five seconds, and a total analysis time of ten minutes,” said David Russell, Emeritus Professor at the University of East Anglia, UK, a co-author of the research and Intelligent Fingerprinting’s Founder and Chief Scientific Officer. “Our study also showed how our technology is being used by coroners to assist in gaining early understanding of the possible cause of death, and to inform potential further post-mortem activities or quickly facilitate police investigations.
“We matched the coroners’ drug test results obtained using our fingerprint drug screen with a second sample tested in laboratory conditions, achieving excellent correlation in terms of accuracy,” he added. “We also compared our results with toxicological analysis of blood and urine samples, with a good correlation of results.”
“This important research demonstrates how there is sufficient sweat present in a subject’s fingerprint, regardless of whether the person is alive or dead, to enable our fingertip-based drug screening system to detect the presence of four major drugs of abuse at the same time,” added Intelligent Fingerprinting’s Dr Paul Yates.
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For Intelligent Fingerprinting
Cheryl Billson
+44 (0)7791 720460