9 op de 10 bedrijven melden hiaten tussen de cyberbeveiliging die ze hebben en de beveiligingscultuur die ze willen
Uit nieuw onderzoek van ISACA en het CMMI-instituut blijkt dat weinig werknemers hun rol in de informatiebescherming begrijpen
Nu cybersecurity-bedreigingen wereldwijd blijven escaleren, heeft het ISACA/CMMI Institute Cybersecurity Culture Report vastgesteld dat slechts 5 procent van de werknemers denkt dat de internetbeveiligingscultuur van hun organisatie zo geavanceerd is als nodig is om hun bedrijf te beschermen tegen interne en externe bedreigingen. Meer dan 4.800 zakelijke en technologische professionals deelden hun inzichten in het wereldwijde onderzoek dat in juni 2018 via online opiniepeilingen werd uitgevoerd. De resultaten werden vandaag bekendgemaakt op de CSX North America cybersecurity conferentie van ISACA in Las Vegas.
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9 in 10 Enterprises Report Gaps Between the Cybersecurity Culture They Have and the One They Want
New research from ISACA and the CMMI Institute finds that few employees understand their role in protecting information
With cybersecurity threats continuing to escalate worldwide, the ISACA/CMMI Institute Cybersecurity Culture Report found that just 5 percent of employees think their organization’s cybersecurity culture is as advanced as it needs to be to protect their business from internal and external threats. More than 4,800 business and technology professionals shared their insights in the global research study, conducted via online polling in June 2018. Results were released today at ISACA’s CSX North America cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas.
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New global research from ISACA and the CMMI Institute shows 95% of organizations say there is a gap between the cybersecurity cultures they have and the ones they want. (Graphic: Business Wire)
Cybersecurity culture is a workplace culture in which security awareness and behaviors are integrated into everyone’s daily operations, as well as an executive leadership priority. In a threat-ripe environment, an effective cybersecurity culture can help employees understand their roles and responsibilities in keeping their organizations safe and customer data secure. However, just 34 percent of respondents say they understand their role in their organizations’ cyber culture.
Companies must take an all-hands-on-deck approach to counter cyberattack threats, the report summarizes.
“Enlisting the entire workforce to mitigate an enterprise’s cyber risk is an emerging practice,” says Doug Grindstaff II, SVP of Cybersecurity Solutions at CMMI Institute. “We are hearing a lot of feedback about how organizations can move the needle on employee involvement. It’s challenging, but organizations are rightly concerned by the growing sophistication of cyberattacks.”
Widespread employee involvement correlates strongly with the minority of organizations that have achieved strong satisfaction with their cybersecurity culture. Nine in ten employees (92 percent) at these organizations say that their C-level executives share an excellent understanding of the underlying issues, which may be why they loop-in their employees so well; 84 percent of employees at these organizations say they understand their role in cybersecurity.
Other critical findings include:
- Many organizations lack the first—and all-important—step toward a cybersecurity culture: 42 percent of organizations do not have an outlined cybersecurity culture management plan or policy.
- Aligning the entire workforce with the organization’s cybersecurity policies requires significant capital: Organizations that report a significant gap between their current and desired cybersecurity culture are spending just 19 percent of their annual cybersecurity budget on training and tools; organizations that believe their cybersecurity culture is where it is supposed to be are spending more than twice as much (43 percent).
“A key motivator for organizations delaying investing in their cybersecurity cultures is a lack of awareness about the attempted threats and ongoing risks, as well as a lack of awareness about the assets at risk to cybersecurity threats,” said Rob Clyde, NACD Board Leadership Fellow and ISACA Board Chair. “However, individuals tend to underestimate the potential damage and overestimate technology’s ability to limit such incidents. Doing so puts their organizations at serious risk.”
To view the research, visit www.isaca.org/cybersecurity-culture-study.
Nearing its 50th year, ISACA® (isaca.org) is a global association helping individuals and enterprises achieve the positive potential of technology. ISACA equips professionals with the knowledge, credentials, education and community to advance their careers and transform their organizations.
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A subsidiary of ISACA Enterprises, CMMI Institute (cmmiinstitute.com) is the global leader in the advancement of best practices in people, process and technology. The Institute provides the tools and support for organizations to benchmark their capabilities and maturity by comparing their operations to best practices and identifying performance gaps.
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