10:37 uur 24-10-2018

Christo Georgiev kondigt de lancering aan van myPOS AppMarket

LONDEN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– myPOS Europe Ltd., een leidend betaalpas leverancier voor kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen in Europa, introduceert zijn eigen AppMarket – een innovatief software platform voor zakelijke applicaties die myPOS cliënten toestaat om verschillende apps voor verbeterde zakelijke prestaties te vinden, downloaden en gebruiken.

De ontwikkeling van de myPOS AppMarket werd gedreven door de vraag voor steeds veranderende zakelijke behoeftes die opgelegd werden door verlangens en gedrag van klanten. Terwijl de betalingsterminals die myPOS aanbiedt een groot aantal innovatieve betalingsmogelijkheden heeft, zijn er andere ondernemingsbehoeftes die nog niet worden beantwoord op dit moment.

Christo Georgiev Announces the Arrival of myPOS AppMarket

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– myPOS Europe Ltd., a leading card payments provider to small and medium-sized businesses in Europe, is introducing its own AppMarket – an innovative software platform for business applications that allows myPOS clients to find, download and use various apps for improved business performance.

The development of myPOS AppMarket was driven by the necessity to meet the ever-changing business needs dictated by customer demand and behaviour. While the payment terminals myPOS offers come with a large number of innovative payments features, there are other business needs which remain uncaptured at the moment.

myPOS founder Mr. Christo Georgiev says: “Individual businesses need a tailored approach when it comes to accepting payments for their services. Offering a fully customizable and complete omni-channel payments solution, which empowers businesses to stay agile, has always been in our foresight. Tapping into the familiarity of our everyday favourite device – the smartphone, pushed us even further to create the myPOS AppMarket.”

AppMarket is an online app store that myPOS merchants can access directly from their Android-based myPOS terminal –Smart or Smart N5. It is a marketplace that works exactly like the popular Google Play store or Apple’s App Store. Merchants can browse and download various Android-based business applications such as cash registers, loyalty programs and more, developed by myPOS or partner developers. Third party Android app developers, on the other hand, can upload their business apps designed for retail shops, taxis, cafes, fast-food places and more.

myPOS AppMarket will become officially available on November 1, 2018.

About myPOS Europe Ltd

myPOS Europe Ltd is a licensed payments provider and processor, registered at 25 Canada Square, Level 33, Canary Wharf London E14 5LB, United Kingdom.

The myPOS package includes a smart POS device, free myPOS account with business VISA card and access to additional merchant services.




myPOS Europe Ltd
Irina Stefanova
PR manager
Martin Kalinov
Marketing Director

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