13:13 uur 30-10-2018

Presidenten, ministers-presidenten en AI Sensatie Sophia the Robot bijeen op de 12e Global Residence and Citizenship Conference in Dubai

LONDEN –(BUSINESS WIRE)– Meer dan 400 afgevaardigden uit meer dan 40 landen zullen naar verwachting deelnemen aan de 12e jaarlijkse Global Residence and Citizenship Conference, die volgende week (4-6 november) in Dubai plaatsvindt.

Gehost door de leidende internationale citizenship and residence adviserende firma Henley & Partners, is deze jaarlijkse gebeurtenis de grootste en meest significante conferentie van de wereld over investeringsmigratie geworden, die presidenten, eerste ministers, hogere overheidsministers en ambtenaren, belangrijke academici, ervaren industrie vakmensen, en de top-level financiële en zakelijke media samenbrengt.

Presidents, Prime Ministers, and AI Sensation Sophia the Robot to Gather at the 12th Global Residence and Citizenship Conference in Dubai

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– More than 400 delegates from over 40 countries are expected to attend the 12th annual Global Residence and Citizenship Conference, which takes place next week (4–6 November) in Dubai.

Hosted by leading international citizenship and residence advisory firm Henley & Partners, this annual event has become the world’s largest and most significant conference on investment migration, bringing together presidents, prime ministers, senior government ministers and officials, leading academics, experienced industry professionals, and top-tier financial and business media.

Dr. Christian H. Kalin, Group Chairman of Henley & Partners, says residence- and citizenship-by-investment programs are very much the new frontier in terms of freedom, flexibility, and future-readiness. “The societal and economic value they are able to generate is truly extraordinary, which is why we are seeing such strong industry growth year-on-year. The industry as a whole, with residence and citizenship combined, is currently grossing roughly USD 18 billion per year, and we expect that we will hit the USD 20 billion mark very soon.”

Headlining the conference will be artificial intelligence sensation Sophia, the world’s first-ever robot-citizen. Sophia will introduce an exclusive panel debate on the battle for digital supremacy being waged between the global superpowers and on what this new technological climate means for the future of global citizenship.

The Moldova Citizenship-by-Investment (MCBI) program — the latest and most exciting new investment migration opportunity in Europe — will be officially launched at the conference. Minister of Economy and Infrastructure for the Republic of Moldova H.E. Chiril Gaburici said, “The MCBI program will provide our economy with much-needed foreign direct investment that will enhance the daily lives of all Moldovans, while strict due diligence standards and compliance procedures will guarantee the credibility and sustainability of the program.”

Other notable key speakers include President of Montenegro, H.E. Milo Ðukanovic; the Hon. Dr. Timothy Harris, Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis; and Peter S. Vincent, Assistant Director General for International Policy at BORDERPOL and General Counsel for Thomson Reuters. The event will be co-hosted by Tariq Qureishy, Founder and CEO of MadTalks, Dubai, and Katie Fielder, Dubai-based journalist and broadcaster.

The conference will conclude with a gala dinner during which the 2018 winner of the Global Citizen Award® will be announced. The award is presented each year to an inspiring individual who has made an extraordinary and courageous contribution to the global community.


Sarah Nicklin
Senior Group Public Relations Manager

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