Mindteck kondigt de benoeming aan van Monika Faber in de Raad van Bestuur van Mindteck Germany GmbH
FRANKFURT –(BUSINESS WIRE)– Mindteck (India) Limited (BSE: 517344 en NSE: MINDTECK), een wereldwijd opererend technologiebedrijf, kondigde de benoeming aan van mevrouw Monika Faber in de raad van bestuur van Mindteck Germany GmbH, een volledige dochteronderneming van Mindteck (India) Limited.
Mevrouw Faber had eerder de functie van Senior Business Development Manager verantwoordelijk voor continentaal Europa. Zij rapporteert aan de heer Arup Banerjee, Senior Vice President en lid van het managementteam van het bedrijf. Tijdens haar dienstverband bij Mindteck heeft mevrouw Faber met succes nieuwe markten aangeboord in Duitsland, Oostenrijk, Zwitserland, Bulgarije, Roemenië, Polen en Tsjechië. In haar eerste jaar droeg haar uitbreiding van het klantenbestand direct bij aan een stijging van 52% van de inkomsten in Europa.
Mindteck Announces the Appointment of Mrs. Monika Faber to the Board of Directors of Mindteck Germany GmbH
FRANKFURT, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Mindteck (India) Limited (BSE: 517344 and NSE: MINDTECK), a global technology company, announced the appointment of Mrs. Monika Faber to the Board of Mindteck Germany GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mindteck (India) Limited.
Mrs. Faber previously held the title of Senior Business Development Manager responsible for Continental Europe. She reports to Mr. Arup Banerjee, Senior Vice President and a member of the company’s Leadership Team. During her tenure at Mindteck, Mrs. Faber has successfully penetrated new markets in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, and the Czech Republic. In her first year, her expansion of the company’s client base directly contributed to a 52% increase in incremental revenues in Europe.
Over the course of her 18-year career, Monika has demonstrated extensive business development and relationship management expertise within the technology, engineering, and financial services industries. Australian by birth, Mrs. Faber relocated to Germany in 2002, building a formidable track record working in a variety of sales and business development roles throughout Europe, developing a particular focus on the DACH (German/Austrian/Swiss) region.
One of the first of these positions was with a well-known German water technology solutions provider, where she was named Sales, Marketing and Investor Relations Manager. From there, she moved to the financial services industry where she held the position of Group Manager responsible for European compliance and regulatory operations for a global asset management firm. Prior to joining Mindteck, Mrs. Faber was recruited by an AI/Machine Learning technology start-up to become the company’s Regional Director for Europe.
Mrs. Faber is a committed advocate for women professionals and has actively supported, promoted, and mentored women throughout her career, both formally and informally. She is a long-time member of the International Women’s Club of Frankfurt – a philanthropic organization established over 70 years ago dedicated to promoting human and cultural understanding and enhancing the lives of women and children.
Mr. Sanjeev Kathpalia, Managing Director and CEO, stated: “I am delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs. Faber to the Board of Directors of Mindteck Germany GmbH. In two short years she has proved herself to be more than just an asset to our business. Mrs. Faber’s dynamism, determination, and drive embody the culture we strive to reinforce throughout the Mindteck franchise. I hope you will join Arup Banerjee, myself, and the rest of the Leadership Team in congratulating Mrs. Faber on this very special professional milestone.”
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Mindteck Germany GmbH
Monika Faber, monika.faber@mindteck.com