European DataWarehouse lanceert verbeterde particuliere data-omgeving
FRANKFURT –(BUSINESS WIRE)– European DataWarehouse (ED) heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het een verbeterde versie van ED Private heeft gelanceerd, een private data omgeving voor het rapporteren van informatie, waaronder energie-efficiëntie en relevante documentatie voor een verscheidenheid aan instrumenten zoals kredietvorderingen, gedekte obligaties, private cash en synthetische ABS transacties, ABCP, volledige kredietportefeuilles en private repotransacties.
European DataWarehouse Launches Enhanced Private Data Environment
FRANKFURT, Germany–(BUSINESS WIRE)– European DataWarehouse (ED) today announced it has launched an enhanced version of ED Private, a private data environment to report information including energy efficiency and relevant documentation for a variety of instruments such as credit claims, covered bonds, private cash and synthetic ABS transactions, ABCP, whole loan portfolios and private repo transactions.
Built on EDitor, an integrated web application, ED Private offers easy and user-friendly access. The solution facilitates controlled transmission of designated information between the issuer, who is responsible for authorising access, and data users. Furthermore, ED Private provides a technical framework for accessing, uploading and downloading information on demand. The enhanced private data environment for documentation and transactions can be used to facilitate reporting to rating agencies, central banks, competent authorities and dedicated investors. The technical framework for the transmission and dissemination of the information is customised to meet the individual needs of customers.
Much like public deals uploaded to EDitor, ED Private deals can be subject to data quality rules and checks. Within EDitor, customers are now able to review detailed rule results, which enables them to remediate potential data issues. While most of these robust functionalities have been available for private transactions since 2013, ED is pleased to be able to now offer an enhanced version of the ED Private area for additional types of private transactions.
Christian Thun, CEO of ED stated “ED Private is a flexible solution for customers to upload the relevant information in a secure manner. It provides bespoke data quality checks and controlled access according to reporting templates such as those from the European Central Bank, the European Banking Authority, the European Securities and Markets Authority or the Bank of England. This secure environment is increasingly being used for data remediation and reporting to investors and the relevant authorities across asset classes”.
European DataWarehouse was established in 2012. Since its inception, ED has collected loan-level data and relevant documentation for more than 1,250 ABS transactions. As of today, more than 100 private transactions have been created in ED Private.
For more information regarding ED Private, please contact
About European DataWarehouse GmbH
European DataWarehouse (ED) is the first and the only centralised data repository in Europe for collecting, validating and distributing detailed, standardised and asset class specific loan level data for Asset-Backed Securities (ABS) and private whole loan portfolios. ED stores loan-level data and corresponding documentation for investors and other market participants. Operating as a market infrastructure and designated by the Eurosystem, ED aims to increase transparency and restore confidence in the ABS market. Through ED’s data, users are able to analyse underlying portfolios in a more efficient way and compare portfolios on a systematic basis.
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European DataWarehouse GmbH
Diane Wathen
Marketing & Communications Manager
Tel. 49 (0) 69 50986 9326