De Universiteit van Luxemburg lanceert een unieke interdisciplinaire master in de ruimtevaart in lijn met het initiatief van de regering
LUXEMBURG-(BUSINESS WIRE)- In het najaar van 2019 start de Universiteit van Luxemburg een tweejarige interdisciplinaire masteropleiding Ruimtevaart. Deze masteropleiding, opgezet in samenwerking met het Luxembourg Space Agency, is bedoeld om studenten de technische vaardigheden te verschaffen die nodig zijn in de ontluikende ruimtevaartindustrie, samen met diepgaande kennis om ruimtevaartgerelateerde zakelijke activiteiten te beheren.
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In 1985 lanceerde een publiek-privaat partnerschap de Société Européenne des Satellites, tegenwoordig bekend als de wereldwijde satellietoperator SES.
The University of Luxembourg Launches a Unique Interdisciplinary Space Master in Line with the Government’s Initiative
LUXEMBOURG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– In fall 2019, the University of Luxembourg launches a two-year Interdisciplinary Space Master program. This Master study program, set up in collaboration with the Luxembourg Space Agency, aims to provide students with the engineering skills required in the burgeoning space industry, along with in depth knowledge to manage space-related business activities.
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Etienne Schneider, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy ; Stéphane Pallage, Rector of the University of Luxembourg ; Claude Meisch, Minister for Higher Education and Research © University of Luxembourg (Photo: Business Wire)
In 1985, a public-private partnership effort launched Société Européenne des Satellites, today known as global satellite operator SES. Over the last decades, further space-related services and businesses have developed alongside SES shaping a vibrant space economy. As a leader in commercial space, Luxembourg is following a unique space strategy focused on creating an attractive ecosystem for NewSpace companies. The Grand Duchy launched in 2016 to establish the country as a centre for the exploration and utilisation of space resources.
The Interdisciplinary Space Master is an integral part of this strategy while developing the specific skills needed to pioneer a new and sustainable space industry in Luxembourg. “With the new study programme, the University responds to the growing need for graduates who are uniquely qualified to contribute to a growing and dynamic industry,” says Stéphane Pallage, Rector of the University of Luxembourg.
This unique Interdisciplinary Space Master clearly differentiates from master programs offered at other universities. It aims to give participants who already possess an engineering or scientific background the additional technical expertise in areas needed to support Luxembourg’s space industry along with a strong grounding in business.
To ensure the programme to meet business requirements, the Master Course was developed with input from important public and industry players in the space sector. Some of these companies endorse the programme by offering internships to students.
Etienne Schneider, Luxembourg’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy said: “The Interdisciplinary Space Master further reinforces the dynamism of the national sector driven by the initiative and the appeal of space and its potential. By training skilled and business-minded space experts, the Master programme blends in with the Luxembourg government’s objective to become Europe’s hub for NewSpace activities, in particular in the field of exploration and use of resources in space.”
Released by the Luxembourg Space Agency
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Luxembourg Space Agency
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