13:05 uur 20-02-2019

Global Strategist Dr. Parag Khanna treedt toe tot de raad van adviseurs van Henley & Partners

LONDON-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Dr. Parag Khanna is toegetreden tot de raad van adviseurs van Henley & Partners, een belangrijk strategisch orgaan dat het senior management van het bedrijf adviseert en raadpleegt over belangrijke beslissingen, nieuwe bedrijfsinitiatieven en humanitaire initiatieven. Het speciale aandachtsgebied van Dr. Khanna zijn wereldwijde trends en scenario’s, gericht op systeemrisico’s, strategieën voor markttoetreding en sociaaleconomische strategie, met een bijzondere nadruk op Azië.

Dr. Khanna is een toonaangevende wereldwijde strategieadviseur, wereldreiziger en bestseller-auteur. Hij is oprichter en managing partner van FutureMap, een op data- en scenario-gebaseerd strategisch adviesbureau. Parag is door Esquire opgenomen in ’75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century’ en stond op de ‘Smart List’ van WIRED magazine. Hij is gepromoveerd aan de London School of Economics en zijn nieuwste boek heet The Future is Asian: Commerce, Conflict & Cultuur in the 21e century (2019). Parag is naar meer dan 100 landen gereisd en is een Young Global Leader van het World Economic Forum.

Global Strategist Dr. Parag Khanna joins Henley & Partners’ Board of Advisors

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Dr. Parag Khanna has joined Henley & Partners’ Board of Advisors, an important strategic body that advises and consults the firm’s senior management on key decisions, new business ventures, and humanitarian initiatives. Dr. Khanna’s special area of counsel will be global trends and scenarios, focusing on systemic risks as well as market entry strategies and socio-economic strategy, with a particular emphasis on Asia.

Dr. Khanna is a leading global strategy advisor, world traveler, and best-selling author. He is Founder and Managing Partner of FutureMap, a data- and scenario-based strategic advisory firm. Parag has been named one of Esquire’s ‘75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century’ and has featured on WIRED magazine’s ‘Smart List.’ He holds a PhD from the London School of Economics and his latest book is called The Future is Asian: Commerce, Conflict & Culture in the 21st century (2019). Parag has traveled to more than 100 countries and is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum.

Commenting on his appointment, Dr. Khanna said, “I am delighted to join the Board of Advisors of Henley & Partners. They are global innovators, supporting governments in their goals of achieving fiscal autonomy and growth through investment migration programs. I am confident that this will be an exciting and mutually beneficial partnership. What they do is part of our future; it is a significant global trend that will only accelerate.”

Dr. Christian H. Kälin, Group Chairman of Henley & Partners, said, “We see our role as contributing to a more interconnected and equitable world, and Dr. Khanna’s extensive experience as a global strategist means that he is ideally placed to serve as a further esteemed member of our growing Board of Advisors. One of investment migration’s uniquely positive attributes is that it can endow countries with numerous sources of sustainable revenue without having to further increase debt. This capacity to expand a state’s ‘sovereign equity’ by enlarging the number of citizens who actively contribute has the potential to reduce inequality within as well as between states, and meaningfully address the growing imbalances inherent to traditional sovereign debt financing. Dr. Khanna’s experience and skills are perfectly aligned with this dynamic and will support Henley & Partners in meaningful ways.”


Sarah Nicklin
Senior Group PR Manager

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