08:32 uur 15-03-2019

Medicalbit Foundation Co., Ltd. maakt ASCA-tokens openbaar

TALLINN, Estland-(BUSINESS WIRE)- De Medicalbit Foundation, die momenteel een eerste uitgifte van virtuele munten (ICO) in Estland ondergaat, heeft besloten haar ASCA-penningen openbaar te maken als eerste stap in het Asclepius Network project.

Het doel van Asclepius Network is om geavanceerde medische behandeling beschikbaar te maken voor alle mensen van de wereld, en Japan is gekozen voor de eerste locatie in Azië om zaken uit te breiden.
De missie van het project is het verzamelen van ‘s werelds meest geavanceerde medische kennis en medische dossiers binnen een blokketensysteem.

Medicalbit Foundation Co., Ltd. To Make ASCA Tokens Public

TALLINN, Estonia–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Medicalbit Foundation, which is currently undergoing an initial virtual currency coin offering (ICO) in Estonia, has decided to make its ASCA tokens publicly available as the first step in the Asclepius Network project.

The goal of Asclepius Network is to make leading-edge medical treatment available to all peoples of the world, and Japan has been chosen for the first location in Asia to expand business.
The project’s mission is to accumulate the world’s cutting-edge medical treatment knowledge and medical records within a blockchain system. This would form a mechanism that would enable anyone in the world to receive the benefits of leading-edge medical treatments anywhere in the world. To further that end, the project is forming a network of leading-edge medical researchers from Japan, as well as from Europe and the United States.
In practical terms, the project is engaged in the development of next-generation electronic medical records as well as the development of smart device apps to gather existing medical records. At this point, the project has already been approved for six patents in Japan.
Plans call for the establishment of blood and cancer screening facilities in 2019, using state of the art technologies from Japan, in conjunction with major diagnostic centers that are already involved in health screenings for millions of persons annually within China, as well as with the major hospital groups that manage dozens of hospitals within China.
In addition, proof-of-concept testing has already begun for a service to deliver Japanese pharmaceuticals to patients suffering from chronic illnesses.
This effort within China is initially estimated, based on preliminary calculations made with project partners, to reach an annual scope ranging from several tens of billions of yen to several hundreds of billions of yen.

Furthermore, a monetary fund has been established to allow participation within the sustainable development goals project set forth by the United Nations as a means to realize the project’s ideal of offering the benefits of leading-edge medical treatment to the peoples of the world. Plans call for the fund to be used predominantly for fields that include the free provision of treatment to areas of the world currently beyond the reach of such treatment.

Participation in the Asclepius Network project for these efforts will require ASCA tokens, and the project seeks investors and business partners interested in bringing leading-edge medical treatment to all the peoples of the world.

Description of Offering: Thursday, March 21st, 10:00 AM JST
Offering Trader: TopForce
URL: www.top-force.com/

Moving forward, plans call for global development based on joint work with partners in the countries of Asia, including Singapore, Malaysia, and India, following a model similar to that used for China. There will also be incremental increases to the number of offering traders from April of 2019 onward.

Harju maakond, Tallinn, Kesklinna linnaosa, Narva mnt 5, 10117

MBC URL: https://www.medicalbit.ee/
ASCA URL: https://www.asclepius.network/
Project Management Company: Japan Medical Solutions Co., Ltd.
9F Nihonbashi Ningyocho Ishii Building, 3-1-17 Ningyo-cho Nihonbashi, Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo
JPM URL: http://www.jpmedsn.com/


Medicalbit Foundation
Hiroo Uchiyama

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