Bertin Technologies wint twee grote contracten voor monitoren van straling in het leefmilieu
PARIS-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Bertin Technologies, een dochteronderneming van de CNIM Group, is door de Zwitserse autoriteiten en door de Europese Commissie – namens Armenië – gekozen om op maat gesneden stralingscontrolesystemen te leveren.
Deze nieuwe contracten bevestigen de sterke expertise van Bertin op het gebied van Environmental Radiation Monitoring Systems (ERMS (ERMS) en tonen zijn flexibiliteit om aan specifieke eisen te voldoen. De Zwitserse autoriteiten hebben Bertin gekozen voor de vernieuwing van hun MADUK1- en NADAM2-netwerken voor stralingscontrole. Bertin Technologies heeft ook een aanbesteding gewonnen voor ANRA (Armeense regelgevende instantie voor kernenergie), in het kader van een door de Europese Unie gefinancierd contract, voor de levering van apparatuur en diensten ter verbetering van de stralingsmonitoring nabij en rond de kerncentrale Metsamor3 in Armenië.
Bertin Technologies Wins Two Major Contracts for Environmental Radiation Monitoring
PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Bertin Technologies, a subsidiary of CNIM Group, has been chosen by the authorities of Switzerland and by the European Commission – on behalf of Armenia – to provide tailored radiation monitoring systems.
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These new contracts reassert Bertin’s strong expertise in Environmental Radiation Monitoring Systems (ERMS) and demonstrate its flexibility to meet specific requirements.
The Swiss authorities chose Bertin for the renewal of their MADUK1 and NADAM2 radiation monitoring networks. Bertin Technologies also won a tender for ANRA (Armenian Nuclear Regulatory Authority), within the framework of a contract funded by the European Union, to provide equipment and services in order to improve radiation monitoring near and around the Metsamor nuclear power plant3 in Armenia.
Bertin’s solutions perform the surveillance of radioactivity in air, soil and water around nuclear facilities or for nationwide monitoring purposes to help ensuring human safety.
They include a broad range of sensors, including gamma dose measurements, air monitoring, and spectroscopic analysis for radionuclide identification. Collected data is transmitted through secured and emergency proof channels including radio, 4G or satellite. A central data management system allows managing, analyzing and visualizing the situation in real time.
Backed by the in-depth know-how of Saphymo (acquired in 2015), Bertin has developed and optimized cutting-edge instrumentation equipment for the detection and monitoring of ionizing radiation, which comply with the strictest international requirements.
These contracts showcase the expertise of Bertin’s teams in the field of radiological monitoring
1 automatic dose-rate monitoring network operated by the Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) set up in 1993 in the vicinity of nuclear facilities
2 nationwide emergency monitoring system for gamma radiation operated by NAZ, the federal center of expertise for exceptional incidents, a division of the Federal Office for Civil Protection.
3 Project funded by European Union EuropeAid/139508/DH/SUP/AM ProjectA3.01/15A
Bertin Technologies relies on its long history of innovation to develop, produce and market innovative systems and equipment worldwide. Among its 620 employees, there are 2/3 engineers and high-level managers. The company is active worldwide and its turnover amounts to nearly 100 million euros in 2018.
Its instrumentation business unit is dedicated to innovative measurement and sampling for the key worldwide markets of Nuclear, Defense, Security & Life Sciences.
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Frédérique Vigezzi
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