15:00 uur 22-05-2019

Altasciences leidt onderzoek naar chemisch zenuwgastherapie van preklinisch naar klinisch fase I

LAVAL, Québec-(BUSINESS WIRE) – Altasciences kondigde vandaag aan dat zij door Leidos Health is geselecteerd om de ontwikkeling van RAP-103 peptide als chemisch zenuwgastherapie te begeleiden en te steunen namens het Medical CBRN Defense Consortium en gefinancierd door het Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).

Altasciences zal het vereiste Safety Testing, alle IND – toelatend studies (niet-GLP en GLP), de noodzakelijke Fase I klinische proeven, en de bijbehorende bioanalytische analyse uitvoeren.

“De preklinische en klinische teams van Altasciences werken samen met Leidos Health aan dit belangrijke programma. Samen hebben we een plan ontwikkeld om RAP-103 van preklinisch, veilig door vroege klinische studies te verplaatsen. Als een middelgrote CRO gespecialiseerd in een flexibele, innovatieve aanpak voor het leveren van uitgebreide geneesmiddelenontwikkeling in een vroeg stadium, hebben we de ervaring en het team om dit programma succesvol, op tijd en binnen het budget af te ronden”, verklaarde Steve Mason, Vice President, Site Operations, in Altasciences.

Altasciences Leads Research on Chemical Nerve Agent Therapeutic from Preclinical to Clinical Phase I

LAVAL, Québec–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Altasciences announced today that they have been selected by Leidos Health to guide and support the development of RAP-103 peptide as a chemical nerve agent therapeutic on behalf of the Medical CBRN Defense Consortium and funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA).

Altasciences will conduct the required Safety Testing, all IND-enabling studies (non-GLP and GLP), the necessary Phase I clinical trials, and associated bioanalytical analysis.

Altasciences’ preclinical and clinical teams are collaborating with Leidos Health on this important program. Together, we have developed a plan to move RAP-103 from preclinical, safely through early clinical trials. As a mid-size CRO specializing in a flexible, innovative approach to providing comprehensive early stage drug development, we have the experience and team in place to complete this program successfully, on time and within budget,” explained Steve Mason, Vice President, Site Operations, at Altasciences.

For over 25 years, Altasciences has been helping sponsors move from one key milestone to the next with the goal of helping them make informed, faster and more complete early phase drug development decisions. Altasciences’ full-service solutions include preclinical safety testing, clinical pharmacology, bioanalysis, program management, medical writing, biostatistics, and data management — all of which can be tailored to specific sponsor requirements.

We have selected Altasciences for their ability to take us seamlessly from one key milestone to the next. The fact that we have one Altasciences program manager at our disposal through all phases is a true benefit and ensures seamless handoffs and communication along the way,” stated Dr. Vinayaka Kotraiah, Preclinical Discovery Lead/Program Manager at Leidos Health.

About Altasciences

Altasciences is a forward-thinking, mid-size contract research organization offering pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies of all sizes a proven, flexible approach to preclinical and early phase clinical studies, from lead candidate selection to proof of concept. For over 25 years, Altasciences has been integrating into clients’ projects to help support educated, faster, and more complete early drug development decisions. Altasciences’ full-service solutions include preclinical safety testing, clinical pharmacology, bioanalysis, program management, medical writing, biostatistics, and data management, all of which can be tailored to specific sponsor requirements. Altasciences… helping sponsors get better drugs to the people who need them, faster.


Julie-Ann Cabana
913 304-4505

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