ARK lanceert de ARK Deployer: Iedereen kan daarmee een blockchain creëren in 3 eenvoudige stappen
De ARK Deployer stelt iedereen, van doorgewinterde ontwikkelaars tot enthousiaste gebruikers, in staat om in enkele minuten hun eigen blockchain te maken en aan te passen.
PARIS-(BUSINESS WIRE)- ARK, een toonaangevende aanbieder van blokketentechnologie, heeft vandaag de langverwachte ARK Deployer gelanceerd; een gratis tool die gebruikers in staat stelt om snel en eenvoudig hun eigen blockchain te creëren in slechts een paar eenvoudige stappen.
De ARK Deployer brengt een revolutie teweeg in een voorheen langdurig en complex proces, en verlaagt de barrières voor de toegang tot de blockchain-technologie aanzienlijk.
De intuïtieve gebruikersinterface betekent dat iedereen, ongeacht zijn of haar technische ervaring of achtergrond, zijn of haar eigen blockchain kan bouwen, aanpassen en implementeren door gebruik te maken van een eenvoudig te volgen tool.
ARK Launches the ARK Deployer: Enabling Anyone to Create a Blockchain in 3 Simple Steps
The ARK Deployer enables everyone, from seasoned developers to enthusiastic users, to easily create and customize their own blockchain in minutes.
PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– ARK a leading blockchain technology provider has today launched the eagerly anticipated ARK Deployer; a free tool that enables users to quickly and easily create their own blockchain in just a few simple steps.
The ARK Deployer revolutionizes a previously lengthy and complex process, and significantly reduces the barriers to entry of blockchain technology.
The intuitive user interface means that anyone, regardless of their technical experience or background, can build, customize and deploy their own blockchain by utilizing an easy-to-follow tool. In this way, ARK Deployer enables developers, individuals, startups, and businesses across the world to create and customize their own blockchain, tailored to their individual needs.
Users can select one of three customization levels to benefit from built-in presets or advanced configurations: Basic, Intermediate or Advanced. Parameters such as block times, fee structures, rewards, or number of delegates can be set almost instantly using variable sliders and input fields. For the less experienced user, explanations of each field can be accessed from within the ARK Deployer at the click of a button, while supporting guides walk through each step of the process in even more detail, from preparation, to customization, to launch.
But why do users need their own custom blockchains? As the blockchain industry continues to grow, more applications, projects and businesses are beginning to take note of the key benefits that blockchain technology offers; such as immutability, secure and resilient decentralized networks, improved privacy and more.
ARK’s Chief Strategy Officer Matthew Cox believes that the desire for secure blockchain layers that underpin applications is causing an increasing number of developers and business leaders to seek easily configurable blockchain solutions.
“Developers are crying out for tools to significantly reduce the time and effort needed to utilize blockchain technology. With the ARK Deployer, users will quickly be able to create their own scalable, efficient and decentralized blockchain network based on ARK’s code but customized to their specific requirements. This means users can focus on building their own ideas, projects or applications, safe in the knowledge that they will have a solid and secure blockchain foundation as part of the ARK Ecosystem.”
Ki Foundation’s CEO Réda Berrehili agrees. “Creating our own ecosystem utilizing ARK’s technology as a starting point means that our organization is able to progress quickly and efficiently. We’re able to focus on developing our business-specific applications while ARK’s open source technology is providing us with a free, efficient and scalable blockchain foundation.”
The ARK Deployer is a free-to-use blockchain creation tool available via the website. For more information, or to access the ARK Deployer, visit: Alternatively, to learn more about ARK’s blockchain solutions for users, developers and enterprise, visit
About ARK
ARK is an open-source blockchain platform that empowers everyone, regardless of their aim or technical background, to quickly and easily leverage blockchain technology. ARK acts as a beacon for individuals, enterprises, and communities who wish to apply blockchain technology as a foundation for their own projects or businesses, by offering technology stacks and tools unique in their simplicity, to easily create and deploy blockchains.
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Katie Phillips
Marketing Manager