19:41 uur 30-05-2019

Fontem Ventures – Op Wereld Niet Roken Dag moet de overstap naar dampend roken een optie zijn voor alle rokers in de wereld

De WHO zou de meest bevolkte landen op aarde, waaronder China en India, moeten aanmoedigen om een progressieve aanpak te volgen bij het opstellen van regelgeving omtrent vapen, oftewel dampen

AMSTERDAM-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Fontem Ventures, eigenaar van vapour brand blu, doet vandaag een beroep op de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) om het groeiende bewijs te erkennen dat vapen een belangrijke bijdrage kan leveren aan de vermindering van de tabaksschade, in de aanloop naar Wereld Niet Roken Dag 2019 op 31 mei.

“Momenteel woont meer dan de helft van de wereldbevolking in landen waar roken verboden is of zich in een grijs reglementair gebied bevindt”, aldus Dr. Nveed Chaudhary, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Senior Manager bij Imperial Brands, moederbedrijf van Fontem Ventures.

Fontem Ventures – On World No Tobacco Day, Switching to Vaping Should Be an Option for All the World’s Smokers

The WHO should encourage the most populace countries on earth, including China and India, to take a progressive approach to vaping regulation

AMSTERDAM–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Fontem Ventures, owner of vapour brand blu, today calls on the World Health Organisation (WHO) to recognise the growing evidence that vaping can make a significant contribution to tobacco harm reduction, ahead of World No Tobacco Day 2019 on May 31st.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190529005659/en/

Vaping regulation in Asia lacks clarity (Graphic: Business Wire)

Vaping regulation in Asia lacks clarity (Graphic: Business Wire)

“Currently more than half the world’s population live in countries where vaping is either banned or exists in a regulatory grey area.” said Dr Nveed Chaudhary, Scientific & Regulatory Affairs Senior Manager at Imperial Brands, parent company of Fontem Ventures. “We believe the WHO could help by recognizing the science underlying tobacco harm reduction and the potential health benefits to millions of smokers by opening up new options to switch away from combustible tobacco.”

In countries like the US where vaping is recognised as an alternative for smokers, and vaping products are widely available, data shows smoking rates are falling rapidly1.

“We are encouraged by China’s recent decision to create a products standards based regulatory framework for vaping2, which would potentially enable hundreds of millions of smokers to access an alternative to combustible tobacco.” said Dr Chaudhary.

China, India and Indonesia combined have more than 430 million daily smokers, nearly 50% of the world’s total smoking population3.

Article 1(d) of the WHO’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) defines tobacco control as “a range of supply, demand and harm reduction strategies that aim to improve the health of a population by eliminating or reducing their consumption of tobacco products and exposure to tobacco smoke.”

E-vapour products contain no tobacco4, and peer reviewed scientific evidence5 suggests that switching to e-vapour products will substantially reduce exposure to harmful toxicants6 found in combustible tobacco smoke.

About Fontem Ventures
Fontem Ventures BV, is the e-vapour business behind blu. Headquartered in Amsterdam, Fontem Ventures’ purpose is to drive electronic vaping technology forward, delivering a better alternative to smokers and vapers around the world. Fontem Ventures is a subsidiary of Imperial Brands plc.

1 https://www.cnbc.com/2018/11/08/cdc-says-smoking-rates-fall-to-record-low-in-us.html
2 https://ecigintelligence.com/china-issues-new-industry-standards-for-e-cigarettes-and-e-liquids/ (Subscription only)
3 https://files.tobaccoatlas.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/TobaccoAtlas_6thEdition_LoRes.pdf
4 https://www.blu.com/en/US/explore/explore-vaping/e-liquid/what-is-an-eliquid.html
5 Article 14 The WHO FCTC states that “each Party shall develop and disseminate appropriate, comprehensive and integrated guidelines based on scientific evidence and best practices, taking into account national circumstances and priorities, and shall take effective measures to promote cessation of tobacco use and adequate treatment for tobacco dependence” The body of scientific evidence supporting the harm reduction potential of vaping is now significant and a useful summary can be found here: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/457102/Ecigarettes_an_evidence_update_A_report_commissioned_by_Public_Health_England_FINAL.pdf
6 http://www.fontemscience.com/research/library/evaluation-of-the-safety-profile-of-an-electronic-vapour-product-used-for-two-years-by-smokers-in-a-real-life-setting/


Press Contact
James Campbell
Senior Communications Manager
Fontem Ventures B.V.
+31 61 442 6896

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