11:30 uur 31-05-2019

Jefferies benoemt Chris Wood tot Global Head of Equity Strategy en lanceert het gelijknamige “GREED & fear”

NEW YORK & HONG KONG (BUSINESS WIRE) – Jefferies kondigde vandaag de recente benoeming van Christopher Wood als Global Head of Equity Strategy aan. De heer Wood, die zich aansluit bij het Aziatische effectenhuis CLSA, is in de afgelopen twee decennia in bijna alle belangrijke makelaarsonderzoeken in Azië uitgeroepen tot top Equity Strategist. Het team van de heer Wood bestaat ook uit Frances Lai en Joe Man.

Tegelijkertijd is Jefferies’ er trots op om vandaag de eerste editie van Chris Wood’s beroemde weekblad GREED & fear te lanceren. Chris publiceert dit weekblad, in totaal 1.269 nummers, bijna zonder onderbreking sinds juli 1996.

“We zijn verheugd dat Chris Wood zich bij Jefferies heeft aangesloten”, aldus Peter Forlenza, Jefferies’ Global Head of Equities.

Jefferies Appoints Chris Wood Global Head of Equity Strategy and Launches Eponymous “GREED & fear”

NEW YORK & HONG KONG–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Jefferies announced today the recent appointment of Christopher Wood as Global Head of Equity Strategy. Mr. Wood, who joins from Asian securities house CLSA, has been ranked the top Equity Strategist in almost all major broker polls in Asia during the last two decades. Mr. Wood’s team also includes Frances Lai and Joe Man.

Simultaneously, Jefferies’ is proud to launch today its first edition of Chris Wood’s famous weekly called GREED & fear. Chris has been publishing these weeklies, 1,269 issues in total, almost without interruption since July 1996.

“We are excited to have Chris Wood join Jefferies,” commented Peter Forlenza, Jefferies’ Global Head of Equities. “With a string of appointments on the Asian platform in recent weeks, now capped by the launch today of Chris Wood’s GREED & fear, we hope to firmly establish the next leg of growth in our commitment and expansion across Asia.”

Prior to entering the investment business, Wood was a financial journalist. He worked for the Hong Kong-based Far Eastern Economic Review between 1982 and 1984 and The Economist between 1984 to 1994, during which period he was both the New York and Tokyo Bureau Chief. He was also the author of three acclaimed books while at The Economist. “Boom and Bust: The Rise and Fall of the World’s Financial Markets” published in 1989; “The Bubble Economy: Japan’s Extraordinary Speculative Boom of the ’80s and the Dramatic Bust of the ’90s” published in 1992; and “The End of Japan Inc.: And How the New Japan Will Look” published in 1994.

Jefferies Group LLC, the largest independent full-service global investment banking firm headquartered in the U.S. focused on serving clients for over 55 years, is a leader in providing insight, expertise and execution to investors, companies and governments. Our firm provides a full range of investment banking, advisory, sales and trading, research and wealth management services across all products in the Americas, Europe and Asia. Jefferies Group LLC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jefferies Financial Group Inc. (NYSE: JEF), a diversified financial services company.


For inquiries:
Richard Khaleel

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