RIDDLE&CODE lanceert Hardware Car Wallet met Daimler
Op 16 juli kondigde Daimler de succesvolle afronding aan van ronde 6 van het Start-up Autobahn programma in Stuttgart, inclusief een door RIDDLE&CODE ondersteunde Car Wallet.
WENEN-(BUSINESS WIRE)-RIDDLE&CODE, Europa’s toonaangevende leverancier van blockchain-interfaceoplossingen, heeft vandaag de details en de context verstrekt van zijn DLT-hardwareportemonnee, die een door Daimler Financial Services geleid consortium ondersteunt om een open autoportemonneeoplossing te bieden.
Autoportefeuilles maken een grote verscheidenheid aan gebruiksmogelijkheden mogelijk, van autodelen tot autonome voertuigen. De real-time uitwisseling van beveiligde verkeersgegevens tussen voertuigen en slimme stadsomgevingen vermindert de congestie en verlaagt de verzekeringspremies. Blockchain-gecertificeerde gegevens kunnen worden gebruikt in geval van ongelukken.
RIDDLE&CODE Launches Hardware Car Wallet With Daimler
On July 16th Daimler announced the successful completion of round 6 of its Start-up Autobahn program in Stuttgart including a Car Wallet, powered by RIDDLE&CODE.
VIENNA–(BUSINESS WIRE)– RIDDLE&CODE, Europe’s leading provider of blockchain interface solutions, today provided details and context of its DLT hardware wallet that is powering a Daimler Financial Services-led consortium to provide an open car wallet solution.
Car wallets enable a wide variety of use cases from car-sharing to Autonomous Vehicles. The real-time exchange of secure traffic data between vehicles and smart city environments reduces congestion and lowers insurance premiums. Blockchain-certified data can be used in case of accidents.
“This is a prime example of a global market leader betting on European industry collaboration and DLT-based innovation. A new generation of open mobility services will create new business models, and RIDDLE&CODE is excited to be at the heart of it with our hardware-based car wallet,” said Alexander Koppel, CEO and co-founder of RIDDLE&CODE. He added, “It shows an ability to continue to offer disruptive value-added services creating new marketplaces for mobility, energy and finance.”
RIDDLE&CODE provides Vehicle Identity, trusted data provenance and a settlement layer as part of this DLT consortium. Tom Fürstner, the company’s Founder and CTO, said, “Autonomous cars must behave consistently to be trusted. Cars are already computing devices. A secure identity ensures that the right authorities have approved code executed inside vehicles and the trustworthiness of data exchanged. RIDDLE&CODE secures this with its cryptographic hardware and uses ledgers to turn automobiles into future market places.”
The hardware wallet solution is built around RIDDLE&CODE’s Secure Element 2.0 that provides a protected blockchain identity to vehicles. Merging that with standard Vehicle Identity (e.g. registration) creates unique and secure ledger transactions. Other partners in the Daimler-led Mobility Blockchain Platform include Blockchain Helix for human digital identity solutions, Evan.Network for the Network layer and 51 Nodes for Smart Contracts.
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RIDDLE&CODE is a European Blockchain interface company, that builds hardware and software stacks, bringing trusted identity to objects and people. Together with its tier one clients and partners, RIDDLE&CODE brings greater efficiency and new business models to financial markets, energy distribution, supply chain management and the Internet of Things.
More information: www.riddleandcode.com
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