Japanse ruimtevaartindustrie start-up Synspective zamelt 100 miljoen dollar in voor de financiering
TOKYO-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Synspective Inc., is een Japanse start-up die satellietgegevensoplossingen biedt met behulp van kleine SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar)-satellieten
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Het bedrijf heeft sinds de oprichting in februari 2018 100 miljoen dollar aan financiering opgebracht. Door dat bedrag in minder dan 17 maanden te verzamelen, is Synspective de snelste ter wereld en Japan’s op een na hoogste gefinancierde ruimtevaart start-up. De investering zal helpen bij het versterken van de SAR-satellietontwikkeling, productiesystemen en de ontwikkeling van oplossingen van het bedrijf.
Japanese Space Industry Startup Synspective Raises US $100 Million in Funding
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Synspective Inc., is a Japanese startup which provides satellite data solutions using small sized SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) satellites.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190725005286/en/

“StriX-α” the first demonstration satellite (Graphic: Business Wire)
The company accumulated $100 million USD in funding since its foundation in February 2018. Raising that amount in less than 17 months makes Synspective the world’s fastest and Japan’s second highest funded space startup. The investment will help strengthen the company’s SAR satellite development, manufacturing systems, and solutions development.
Synspective provides one-stop solutions by satellite gathered geospatial data. The core technology was developed by the ImPACT program* led by The Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, building small SAR satellites and constellation, allowing frequent observation of areas of interest. Synspective uses SAR satellites to provide data and produce user-friendly information to Governments and Private Companies.
SAR satellites actively observe and acquire earth surface information by transmitting and receiving reflected microwaves. Compared to optical satellites, which depend on sunlight reflection, SAR can capture images of the ground surface in all-weather conditions and any time of the day or night.
Synspective’s Co-founder and CEO, Motoyuki Arai, commented that “Synspective’s first demonstration satellite is to be launched in 2020 and is steadily being developed. Customized solutions services have already been contracted by several companies, prior to launch. By providing objective satellite data, Synspective will contribute to the progress of the advancing world by supporting people’s decision-making and impactful actions”.
- Space aSTART 1 Limited Partnership
- JAFCO SV5 Investment Limited Partnership / JAFCO SV5-STAR Investment Limited Partnership
- Innovation Platform 1 Investment Limited Partnership
- Keio Innovation Initiative 1,LPS
- Abies Ventures Fund I, L.P.
- MIRAI SOUZOU 1 Investment Limited Partnership
- Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
- Fuyo General Lease Co.,Ltd.
- SBI AI&Blockchain LPS
- Mizuho Growth Fund No.3 Limited Partnership
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190725005286/en/
Synspective PR
Global Media Inquiry: Sonia Solova
General Media Inquiry: Hitomi Fujikawa
E-mail: press@synspective.com
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