12:38 uur 26-07-2019

Klas Telecom kondigt VMware vSAN 6.7 ondersteuning voor Voyager Tactical Data Center (Voyager TDC 2.0) aan

DUBLIN-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Klas Telecom kondigde vandaag aan dat, na strenge tests, VMware nu vSAN 6.7 op het Voyager Tactical Data Center (Voyager TDC 2.0) ondersteunt. VMware breidt verder de markt voor HCI tot sobere milieu’s uit waar lage grootte, gewicht, kracht en ruwheid vereist zijn – verpakkend vSAN met enterprise-grade opslag en berekend tot de grootte van een carry-on verrijdbaar geval van een luchtvaartmaatschappij.

Voyager TDC + vSAN

Door gebruik te maken van Voyager TDC met VMware vSphere en vSan kunnen organisaties snel en eenvoudig een enterprise-grade opslag en computernetwerk inzetten met de grootte van een carry-on verrijdbaar geval van een luchtvaartmaatschappij, zodat gebruikers toegang hebben tot grote hoeveelheden data, deze kunnen verzamelen, opslaan, verwerken, analyseren en verspreiden op lokaal niveau in plaats van dat zij zich moeten verlaten op de bandbreedte beperkt tot backhaul om toegang te krijgen tot een offsite datacentrum.

Klas Telecom Announces VMware vSAN 6.7 Support for Voyager Tactical Data Center (Voyager TDC 2.0)

DUBLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Klas Telecom announced today that, after rigorous testing, VMware now supports vSAN 6.7 on the Voyager Tactical Data Center (Voyager TDC 2.0). VMware is further extending the market for HCI to austere environments where low size, weight, power and ruggedization are required—packaging vSAN with enterprise-grade storage and compute into the size of an airline carry-on rollaway case.

Voyager TDC + vSAN

By using Voyager TDC with VMware vSphere and vSan organizations can rapidly and easily deploy an enterprise-grade storage and compute network in the size of an airline carry-on rollaway case so users can access, collect, store, process, analyze and disseminate high volumes of data locally rather than having to rely on bandwidth-constrained backhaul to access an offsite data centre. Voyager TDC is designed to military ruggedization standards and provides the highest compute performance per watt and storage per cubic inch than any other solution available in the tactical market. Voyager TDC saves time, money and resources by reducing hardware footprint (the system replaces hundreds of pounds of traditionally-deployed server room equipment), simplifying transportation and logistics (the case can be hand carried) and lowering total cost of ownership for customers. “One specific customer told us that by utilizing the Voyager TDC, they literally saved 1.25 million dollars per deployment,” said David Huisenga, President and CEO at Klas Telecom Government. “That’s a ton of money conserved after the initial purchase and during each deployment that people don’t often think about when procuring communication equipment. We are excited to provide that capability to VMware customers.”

Learn more about vSAN’s full capabilities to transform IT and the Klas Telecom Voyager TDC. Visit VMware’s website for more information.

About Klas Telecom

Klas Telecom is an engineering and design company with over 25 years of experience developing innovative communications solutions for the network edge. Klas Telecom delivers connectivity to remote and austere environments where low size, weight, power and ruggedization are required. The company specializes in integrating enterprise networking capabilities from global IT leaders with in-house hardware and software platforms designed to meet market demands and the most stringent environmental requirements. Klas Telecom leverages the latest technology to stay on the forefront of the deployable communications industry. Klas Telecom operates in the public safety, transportation and U.S. and international government and defense markets. The company employs staff across four offices located in Washington, DC; Herndon, VA; Tampa, FL; and Dublin, Ireland.



For media inquiries, please contact:

Emma Reilly | Marketing Communications

Klas Telecom


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