2019 Edogawa NICHE-prijs uitgereikt aan Dr. Steven Rosenberg voor zijn pionierswerk op het gebied van kankerbestrijding met immunotherapie
TOKIO-(BUSINESS WIRE) – Het Edogawa NICHE Committee heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat de 2019-Edogawa NICHE Prize (www.edogawanicheprize.org) is toegekend aan Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg, voor zijn pionierswerk bij de ontwikkeling van effectieve adoptie-immunotherapieën en genetisch gemodificeerde T-cellen, wat de geboorte van een nieuw hoofdstuk in de strijd tegen kanker heeft ingeluid. Dr. Rosenberg’s prestatie heeft een belangrijke bijdrage geleverd aan de ontwikkeling van verschillende op het immuunsysteem gebaseerde geneesmiddelen en klinisch effectieve immuuntherapieën, waaronder de CAR-T celtherapie.
Dr. Rosenberg belichaamt het belang van interdisciplinaire interactie bij het ontwikkelen van klinische oplossingen. Na het behalen van zijn medische graad aan de Johns Hopkins University, promoveerde hij in de biofysica. Hij leidt nu een sterk interdisciplinair team dat zich toelegt op het vinden van nieuwe oplossingen voor kanker, als Chief, Surgery Branch aan het National Cancer Institute (NCI), MD, USA en als professor in de chirurgie aan de Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences en de George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Science.
2019 Edogawa NICHE Prize Awarded to Dr. Steven Rosenberg for His Pioneering Feat in Tackling Cancer with Immunotherapy
TOKYO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– The Edogawa NICHE Committee today announced that the 2019-Edogawa NICHE Prize (www.edogawanicheprize.org) has been awarded to Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg, for his pioneering work in developing effective adoptive immunotherapies and genetically modified T cells which has heralded the birth of a new chapter in the fight against cancer. Dr. Rosenberg’s accomplishment has significantly contributed to the development of several immune system-based drugs and clinically effective immunotherapies including the CAR-T cell therapy.
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Dr. Steven A. Rosenberg, 2019 Edogawa NICHE Prize Awardee (Photo: Business Wire)
Dr. Rosenberg is an epitome of significance of inter-disciplinary interaction in developing clinical solutions, who after his Medical degree at Johns Hopkins University, obtained doctorate in Biophysics. Now leads a strong interdisciplinary team devoted to find novel solutions to cancer, as the Chief, Surgery Branch at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), MD, USA and as Professor of Surgery at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences and the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Science.
Instead of two or more specialists’ interaction, making the inter-disciplinary interaction meaningful, we found one passionate scholar in Dr. Rosenberg, walking through the portals of different domains of science by himself, opening a new path to solve an age-old problem is considered worth that this award be bestowed on him, said Dr. Masahiro Katoh, Chairperson, Edogawa NICHE Committee.
In the 2019 Edogawa NICHE Prize Award ceremony at University of Toronto, Canada, Prof Gary Levy, Chair, Awards Committee & Founding Director, CIHR, Transplant program, will honour Dr. Rosenberg with a medal & plaque, whose acceptance speech will be videocasted in NCRM NICHE 2019 in Tokyo, Japan, followed by 2019 Joyce & James Till Travel Grant recipient, PV Sudharsan, a 2012-FCQ elite sharing how FCQ helped in his career (www.j2t2grant.org), and a presentation on Training Program in Regenerative Medicine (www.regenmedcanada.com).
Instituted in 2018, by Jinseisha trust, which owns Edogawa Hospital, Tokyo and Nichi-In Centre for Regenerative Medicine (NCRM), the Edogawa NICHE Prize honours scientists or clinicians whose contributions lead to the development of prevention, diagnosis or treatment of any disease, through an inter-disciplinary interaction. Scholars who attain top scores in the Fujio Cup Quiz since 2006, a part of NCRM NICHE, (www.ncrmniche.org) and gain FCQ Elite status, have a priority to nominate the awardees, which is unique to this prize.
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