07:40 uur 26-08-2019

Bouwen aan de dataeconomie binnen de G7

Op Dawex, de grootste datamarkt, vindt 51% van de internationale gegevensuitwisseling plaats tussen G7-landen en 70% tussen bedrijven uit verschillende sectoren. Initiatieven van staten en internationale instellingen zullen de gegevensuitwisselingsmarkt, die een pijler van de wereldeconomie aan het worden is, versnellen.

PARIJS-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Onder het Franse voorzitterschap brengt de G7-top in Biarritz de staatshoofden en regeringsleiders van de grootste economieën samen. Deze top komt drie maanden na de bijeenkomst van de ministers voor digitale technologie van de G7-landen in Parijs, waar de noodzaak om de internationale digitale samenwerking te versterken een belangrijk aandachtspunt van de debatten was.

Building The Data Economy Within The G7

On Dawex, the largest data marketplace, 51% of international data exchanges occur between G7 countries and 70% between companies from different sectors. Initiatives taken by states and international institutions will accelerate the data exchange market, which is becoming a pillar of the global economy.

PARIS–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Under the French Presidency, the G7 summit in Biarritz brings together the heads of state and government of the largest economies. This summit comes three months after the digital technology ministers meeting of G7 countries in Paris where the need to strengthen international digital cooperation was a key focal point of the debates. Discussions are still ongoing to resolve the challenges of the data economy, and the free flow of data in a trusted environment.

Several international initiatives in favor of data circulation took place in recent months. As part of the Digital Single Market, the European Commission announced a new regulation on the free flow of non-personal data. The United States initiated a federal plan for data strategy. At the G20, Japan proposed the Osaka Track initiative to standardize the international rules for data flow.

According to Dawex, the leading data exchange technology company and operator of the largest data marketplace, the flow of data in the G7 countries is already a reality and a strong pillar of the economy. Companies are increasingly relying on data exchanges to create value and meet the accelerating needs of digital transformation.

Since 2015, Dawex global data marketplace, with 8,000+ companies from 20+ sectors, is an observatory of the evolution and growth of the data exchange market:

– 1st finding: Data exchange is a global activity with more than 50% of organizations coming from different nationalities. 51% of interactions occur between G7 countries. France, the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom are the most active countries.

– 2nd finding: 70% of these exchanges take place cross-sectors. The most active sectors are Financial Services (16%), Trade, Distribution, E-commerce (14%) and Marketing, Advertising and Communication (12%). The Retail sector is the one experiencing the strongest growth with +30% YoY.

Data exchange has become the cornerstone of the economy. We are excited to see that states and international institutions are taking up the subject of the data economy and that this asset is increasingly being regulated. The initiatives undertaken by the G7 countries are bringing our economies into a new era of data and for which Dawex is helping to create a trusted and secure environment for exchanging and monetizing data,” says Laurent Lafaye, Dawex co-founder.

“Data has become the mirror of the global economy. We are witnessing a transformation in the way companies use their data. Companies have recognized how valuable their data is internally, they’re now looking at ways to exchange data externally. This is true in all industries. It is to meet these new needs that we have created a global data exchange marketplace,” says Fabrice Tocco, Dawex co-founder.

About Dawex

Dawex, the leading data exchange technology company and the operator of the largest data marketplace, allows organizations to orchestrate data circulation by sourcing, monetizing and exchanging data directly, securely and in full compliance with regulations. Today 8,000 organizations from 20+ sectors rely on Dawex Global Data Marketplace and Data Exchange Platform solutions to build their data exchange strategy. Created in 2015, Dawex is a French company with offices in Paris, Lyon, San Francisco and Montreal, expanding business operations to Asia and the Middle East. www.dawex.com



Elisa Lesieur & Nevena Jovic



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