14:14 uur 27-08-2019

Cognite deelt voordelen van digitalisering op Europa’s grootste olie- en gas E&P evenement

CEO en mede-oprichter sluit zich aan bij de leiders van enkele van de grootste bedrijven in de sector

OSLO, Noorwegen-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Cognite, een toonaangevende leverancier van gestructureerde en gecontextualiseerde gegevens voor industriële toepassingen, zal in de eerste week van september haar expertise inbrengen in Offshore Europe. Die bijdrage zal onder meer bestaan uit een verschijning van Cognite mede-oprichter en CEO John Markus Lervik, die een presentatie zal geven tijdens het 4 september “Digitalization” panel.

Offshore Europe is het grootste olie- en gasexploratie- en productieevenement in Europa, met meer dan 36.000 deelnemers en 900 exposanten.

Cognite to Share Benefits of Digitalization at Europe’s Largest Oil and Gas E&P Event

CEO and Co-Founder Joins Leaders from Some of the Industry’s Biggest Companies

OSLO, Norway–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Cognite, a leading provider of structured and contextualized data for industrial applications, will contribute its expertise to Offshore Europe during the first week of September. That contribution will include an appearance by Cognite co-founder and CEO John Markus Lervik, who will present during the Sept. 4 “Digitalization” panel.

Offshore Europe is the largest oil and gas exploration and production event in Europe, attracting more than 36,000 attendees and 900 exhibitors. This gathering, produced in association with the Society of Petroleum Engineers, will run Sept. 3-6 in Aberdeen, U.K.

The panel in which Lervik is participating will highlight the World Economic Forum report noting the more than $1 trillion opportunity at stake for the digitalization of the oil and gas industry, which has been slow to adopt digital technology. It will lay out of the challenges the oil and gas industry faces related to the changing workforce, supply and disruption. And it will explain why digital technology is necessary to enable this industry to improve operational efficiency, lower production costs, maximize recovery, predict maintenance and reduce non-productive time.

Lervik will talk about how data and algorithms can help power industry, freeing human creativity to shape the digital future. And he will explain why all that needs to start with contextualized data that can be enriched with domain expertise and artificial intelligence. His fellow panelists will include Rami Alien, general manager of digitalization upstream at Shell; Rob Kelly, head of upstream digital at BP; and Rohit Singh, digital programme manager at Equinor.

“With the right technology and processes in place, businesses can access all of their industrial data in real time,” said Lervik. “And that data becomes instantly available to the right people on any device. That allows for streamlined operations, richer innovation and faster development.”

Also at SPE Offshore Europe, Cognite and Aksel Giset of AkerBP ASA will present the paper Digital Worker: Empowering Offshore Operators with Easily Accessible Data to Improve Efficiency and Safety. Giset, the senior process and operations engineer-IVAR ASSEN at AkerBP ASA, will be joined by Mari Sofie Korslund. Korslund is manager of customer success at Cognite.

About Cognite

Headquartered in Oslo, Cognite is a global software company empowering digitalization of asset-intensive industries. The company’s flagship solution, the Cognite Data Platform, liberates industrial data from separate, siloed systems and reveals that data in a structured and contextualized manner, presenting a full, virtual view of industrial reality – both past and present – made accessible and meaningful for humans and machines. Exclusive Cognite functionality, called Contextualization, means that everything linked in the real world is linked in the platform. The company’s groundbreaking industrial IoT data platform empowers companies to extract value from existing data by transforming it into useful information. Cognite’s interdisciplinary team includes software developers, data scientists and 3D specialists. To learn more, visit https://www.cognite.com/ or follow @CogniteData on Twitter or LinkedIn.


Sara Black



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