PPSS Group merkt dat incidenten waarbij gezondheidswerkers die gebeten worden leiden tot vraag naar bijtbestendige kleding
WETHERBY, Engeland– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Volgens BitePRO groeit de vraag naar bijtbestendige kleding dramatisch naarmate er steeds meer incidenten met menselijke beten worden geregistreerd en gepubliceerd.
PPSS Group, de Britse firma achter BitePRO, heeft de afgelopen 12 maanden alleen al voor dit unieke merk een omzetstijging van 241% gezien.
Het geval van de Australische verpleegster Jessica Anderson, die door een van haar patiënten in een psychiatrisch ziekenhuis in Melbourne werd gebeten, haalde de krantenkoppen in 2017.
Vele anderen hebben sindsdien hun mond opengedaan en de nadruk gelegd op de immense fysieke pijn en soms langdurige psychische problemen na gebeten te zijn door een ander mens.
PPSS Group Finds Incidents Of Health Care Worker Being Bitten Leads To Demand For Bite Resistant Clothing
WETHERBY, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– According to BitePRO, the demand for bite resistant clothing is growing dramatically as an increasing numbers of human bite related incidents are being recorded and published.
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BitePRO® Bite Resistant Arm Guards
PPSS Group, the UK firm behind BitePRO, has seen an increase of 241% in sales for this unique brand alone in the past 12 months.
The case of Australia based mental health care nurse Jessica Anderson, who was bitten by one of her patients in a psychiatric hospital in Melbourne made the headlines in 2017.
Many others have spoken up since, highlighting the immense physical pain and sometimes long-lasting psychological distress after being bitten by another human.
It is a well-known fact that working within the health care sector comes with a certain risk, according to Robert Kaiser, CEO of PPSS Group, but he is also stating: “These environments would unquestionably be much safer places to work if the appropriate protection was being offered.”
“BitePRO can absolutely be deemed as appropriate, especially in workplaces where the risk of biting, scratching, pinching is determined, either by behavioural tendencies or history and previous incidents.”
According to other resources, bite related injuries can become infected and contaminated with pathogens. Transmissions of potentially life-threatening viruses, such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C or HIV are also a possibility.
Robert Kaiser is commenting further, by saying: “Human bites can often lead to infection because of the amount of bacteria and viruses in a human mouth. If you have a bite that has become infected, you will require immediate medical attention.”
The American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology states that bite injuries represent 1% of all emergency department admissions in the United States.
Data released by the UK’s NHS Security Management Service reveals that mental health care professionals are far more likely to be attacked than other health care workers and frontline professionals.
BitePRO is featuring a range of bite resistant clothing and arm guards, designed to protect public facing professionals working within mental health care, general health care or educational facilities dedicated to special educational needs.
All garments are made from the highly acclaimed Cut-Tex PRO fabric, preventing teeth from breaking the skin, effectively reducing the risks of serious injury and infection associated with human bites.
David Watts, Director of Risk and Safety of Priory Group, one of the UK’s leading and most respected provider of mental health care clinics stated: “Whilst we are in the fortunate position to only need to use BitePRO bite proof clothing and arm guards in very rare circumstances, when it has been used, we have received very favourable feedback. I am certain that the use of this equipment has helped to advert serious incidents and serious injury.”
In case you have any product or brand related questions, please visit www.bite-pro.com or email info@bite-pro.com.
About PPSS Group:
PPSS Group is specialised in the development, manufacturing and supply of high-performance personal protective equipment, offering unrivalled protection from edged weapons, blunt force trauma and even human bites. The BitePRO brand is part of PPSS Group’s global operation. Please follow BitePRO on social media: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190828005327/en/
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