Biolog-id LLC breidt samenwerking met Hoxworth Blood Center uit om veiligheid en efficiëntie bij beheer van bloedproducten in hele onderneming verder te verbeteren
Nieuwste oplossing voor rode bloedcellen ondersteunt verbeterde workflows en verbeterde serviceniveaus
ATLANTA-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Biolog-id LLC, een ontwikkelaar van end-to-end bloedveiligheidsoplossingen en een leider op het gebied van verbonden gezondheidsoplossingen, heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat het zijn partnerschap met het Hoxworth Blood Center van de Universiteit van Cincinnati uitbreidt met het beheer van rodebloedcelconcentraat, het meest gevraagde bloedproduct, op te nemen in het geavanceerde technologische ecosysteem van het hele bedrijf.
De uitgebreide samenwerking, gericht op het verbeteren van het leven van patiënten die een transfusie nodig hebben, maakt gebruik van de gepatenteerde Biolog-id technologie binnen de Hoxworth-faciliteiten. De technologie, Biolog-Transfusion®, volgt bloedproducten door de hele toeleveringsketen heen en biedt realtime inzicht in de inventarisatie van de verschillende locaties en het verzamelen van gegevens, waardoor een uitgebreide analyse mogelijk is. Dit is de eerste uitbreiding na de benoeming van Troy Hilsenroth tot CEO van Biolog-id LLC.
Biolog-id LLC Expands Partnership with Hoxworth Blood Center to Further Enhance Safety and Efficiency in the Management of Blood Products Across its Enterprise
Latest solution for Red Blood Cells supports improved workflows and increased service levels
ATLANTA–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Biolog-id LLC, a developer of end-to-end blood safety solutions and a leader in connected health solutions, announced today that it’s expanding its partnership with University of Cincinnati’s Hoxworth Blood Center to include the management of Red Blood Cell Concentrates, the most commonly requested blood product, in its cutting-edge technology ecosystem across its enterprise.
The expanded partnership, aimed at improving the lives of patients requiring transfusions, leverages Biolog-id patented technology within Hoxworth facilities. The technology, Biolog-Transfusion®, tracks blood products throughout the supply chain, providing real-time visibility into inventory across locations, and collecting data, allowing for comprehensive analysis. This is the first expansion following the appointment of Troy Hilsenroth to CEO of Biolog-id LLC.
“I am thrilled to be expanding our partnership with Hoxworth Blood Center, a trusted organization within the industry, as we expand and grow Biolog-id’s North American presence,” said Troy L. Hilsenroth, CEO Biolog-id LLC. “With Hoxworth, we are committed to helping them achieve their vision by driving operational value and increasing clinical quality through our differentiated platform.”
Hoxworth Blood Center collects, tests, processes and distributes lifesaving blood to 31 hospitals and medical centers in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. The blood management ecosystem implemented at Hoxworth allows for the seamless addition of Red Blood Cells with a significant reduction of workload associated with the daily management of inventory and supports better data-driven decisions around the fulfilment of requests from the different hospitals.
“Our partnership with Biolog-id furthers our commitment to embracing innovative technologies to provide a reliable, safe supply of high value blood products to our patients,” said Jose A. Cancetas, Director of Hoxworth Blood Center. “The implementation of Biolog-id’s platform greatly improves the management and distribution of Platelet Concentrates and Red Blood Cell Concentrates as we look to maximize patient outcomes. We are excited for the expansion of our partnership to implement its innovative solutions across our enterprise.”
Biolog-id will be launching an additional pilot program in North America in Q4 2019 focused on the installation of its technology across another major healthcare network.
About Biolog-id
Biolog-id has developed a patented smart solution for the management and traceability of sensitive, high-value health products throughout the hospital supply chain to ensure safe delivery from donor to patient. Biolog-id operates in North America, Europe, Middle East, India and Asia Pacific region and has over 100 employees worldwide. Biolog-id is owned by its founder, managers and the Xerys Funds.
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About Hoxworth Blood Center
Hoxworth Blood Center, University of Cincinnati was founded in 1938 and serves 31 hospitals in 18 counties in Southwestern Ohio, Northern Kentucky and Southeastern Indiana. Annually, Hoxworth collects more than 80,000 units of blood from local donors to help save the lives of patients in area hospitals.
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