15:21 uur 12-09-2019

Odaseva maakt verdriedubbelde jaarlijkse groei bekend met biljoen ondersteunde documenten en meer dan 10 miljoen gebruikers

Invloed van nieuwe wetten inzake gegevensbescherming zoals GDPR en CCPA stimuleerde groei van Unified Cloud Data Governance Company

SAN FRANCISCO-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Odaseva, het verenigde cloudplatform voor ondernemingen die Salesforce als bedrijfskritische applicatie beheren, heeft vandaag bekendgemaakt dat het een verdriedubbelde jaarlijkse groei ziet en dat het na slechts zeven jaar bestaan een duizelingwekkende groei van een biljoen Salesforce-records ondersteunt, met meer dan 10 miljoen interne Salesforce-klanten op ondernemingsniveau.

Odaseva’s explosieve groei is deels te wijten aan de instroom van nieuwe wetten op het gebied van dataprivacy en beheer, zoals GDPR of CCPA, die van bedrijven eisen dat ze specifieke regelgeving invoeren. Zoals rechten van de betrokkenen (waarin wordt bepaald dat consumenten recht hebben op toegang tot hun eigen privégegevens) en gebruikmaken van betrouwbaardere databeheeroplossingen om privé-klanteninformatie af te schermen en te beheren.

Odaseva Announces Triple Year Over Year Growth with One Trillion Documents Supported and Over 10 Million Users

Influx of New Data Protections Laws such as GDPR and CCPA Has Propelled the Growth of the Unified Cloud Data Governance Company

SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Odaseva, the unified cloud data protection, compliance and operations platform for enterprises running Salesforce as a business-critical application, today announced that it has seen triple year over year growth, and after only seven years of operation, supports a staggering one trillion Salesforce records, with over 10 million enterprise-level internal Salesforce customers.

Odaseva’s explosive growth is in part due to the influx of new data privacy and governance laws such as GDPR or CCPA, demanding that businesses put in place specific regulations such as Data Subject Rights (which stipulates that consumers have the right to access their own private information) and leverage more robust data governance solutions to shield and manage private customer information. Odaseva, which began in 2012 with one client, Schneider Electric, has rapidly increased its enterprise customer base including Toyota France, Robert Half International and GE, offering organizations the ability to augment their existing cloud data protection solutions.

“Comprehensive compliance automation and data protection are essential for organizations coping with increasingly complex and costly privacy regulations as varied as HIPAA, GDPR, CCPA and PIPEDA,” says Sovan Bin, founder and CEO of Odaseva. “As confidential personal data is often distributed across multiple clouds, as well as on-premises data centers, our goal at Odaseva has been to introduce consistency in how audit information is gathered and presented as well as preserved, in order to provide a measure of relief for businesses striving to comply with multiple regulations.

“No other technology vendor today can offer such a unified cloud data governance suite for Salesforce as Odaseva,” Sovan Bin continued.

Recent Investments and Increased Headcount

In 2019, Odaseva raised $11.7m in Series A funding round, which brought the total funding for Odaseva to $14 million. The round was led by Partech with participation from new investor Salesforce Ventures and existing investor Serena. These new investments have allowed Odaseva to direct a portion of the new funding to build on existing sales and technology partnerships with Accenture, Capgemini, CGI, and Deloitte.

In addition, Odaseva has doubled their headcount in the past six months with new hires including a new chief legal officer and a vice president of customer and partner success.

Located in San Francisco and Paris, Odaseva continues to actively recruit in both locations and is looking to expand its operations globally.

Added New Products to Portfolio Line-up:

The hallmark of Odaseva’s solution lies in its compliance automation tools such as GDPR for Salesforce which allows the enterprise to automate a broad range of data procedures from backup to archival, audit, and more in order to comply with industry regulations.

However in 2019 alone, Odaseva announced several new tools to complete their portfolio that have included the following:

  • Cockpit AI: With advanced machine learning capabilities, Cockpit AI offers the first predictive capacity management system to help enterprise Salesforce users maximize the value of the platform by automating the process of monitoring and forecasting the use of platform allocations – such as file storage, data storage and API calls on Salesforce
  • Vault: Works with the Odaseva platform to help users automatically archive sensitive data that organizations are required to keep for long periods of time in regulated industries such as financial services, healthcare and insurance. Not only will the information be kept safe from any unauthorized users, but Odaseva ensures a data durability level of 99.999999999% over a given year.
  • Full Sandbox Anonymization application (FSA) for Salesforce customers. The application works with the Odaseva platform to anonymize all personal information that an organization may put in a Salesforce Full Sandbox – which is an isolated copy of an organization’s Salesforce environment that can be used for training, development and testing.

About Odaseva

For enterprises that leverage Salesforce as a mission-critical application, Odaseva delivers enterprise-class data governance, providing data protection (backup and recovery, archiving, governor limits monitoring), data compliance for regulation requirements such as GDPR and data operations (Salesforce DX data extensions). Odaseva was engineered for Salesforce by Salesforce experts and is endorsed by Salesforce Ventures. Over 10+Million Salesforce Enterprise users from industry-leading companies such as Schneider Electric, Heineken and Robert Half trust Odaseva’s data governance platform.


Alex Mercurio

10Fold Communications


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