22:28 uur 24-09-2019

CutPRO Snijbestendige kledingcollectie 2020 beoogt snijwonden in de glasindustrie te elimineren

KNARESBOROUGH, England-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Brits kledingmerk CutPRO is vastbesloten glasproducenten over de hele wereld te helpen om het aantal en de ernst van snijwonden te verminderen. Het uiteindelijke doel van het bedrijf is om dergelijke verwondingen in de toekomst te elimineren.

CutPRO kondigt vandaag officieel haar productaanbod voor 2020 aan en is er bijzonder trots op dat het nauwe relaties heeft opgebouwd met enkele van ‘s werelds grootste producenten van float- en high-performance glas.

Deze relaties hebben geresulteerd in nieuwe en verbeterde kledingontwerpen, die de verzamelde informatie weerspiegelen. Feedback van klanten, uitgebreid onderzoek naar potentiële risico’s en een beter begrip van de precieze werkomgeving zijn van onschatbare waarde gebleken.

CutPRO Cut Resistant Clothing 2020 Collection Intends To Eliminate Laceration In The Glass Industry

KNARESBOROUGH, England–(BUSINESS WIRE)– British cut resistant clothing brand CutPRO is determined to help glass producers around the globe to reduce the number and severity of cut injuries and lacerations. The company’s ultimate objective is to eliminate such injuries in the future.

This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190924005600/en/

Latest CutPRO design following global consultations (Photo: Business Wire)

Latest CutPRO design following global consultations (Photo: Business Wire)

Officially announcing its 2020 product range today, CutPRO is extremely proud to have established close relationships with some of the world’s largest producers of float and high-performance glass.

These relationships have resulted in new and improved garment designs, which reflect the information gathered. Customer feedback, extended research into potential risks and a clearer understanding of the precise work environment have proven invaluable.

CutPRO senior product consultants have visited several plants and locations, met with senior health & safety officials and spoken to many glass workers, allowing each one to have an input.

Fully understanding that cut resistant clothing and PPE is mandatory in work environments where cuts and lacerations are a potential risk, the company also wants to ensure the end user is comfortable and excited about wearing the garments.

The temperature variation between the cold end and the hot end of a float glass plant can pose an extreme challenge to comfort and breathability. A factor which turned out to be of greatest importance when designing the latest garments.

As highlighted in the ‘International Labour Organization Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety’, the main risks for professionals working in the glass manufacturing sector are cuts, lacerations and soft tissues puncture wounds.

According to the ‘International Labour Organization’ about 93% of the lost workday cases in the glass manufacturing sector results from injuries rather than occupational illnesses.

Robert Kaiser, CEO of CutPRO and its parent company PPSS Group says: “We are extremely passionate about reducing the risk of laceration and cut injuries. Our dream is to eliminate cut injuries in the glass industry. We won’t stop until we have achieved precisely that.”

“The handling of flat glass involves the risk of serious personal injury. Accidents continue to happen especially in premises where glass is processed. Appropriate protective clothing should be worn particularly when glass is handled manually, and I strongly believe we can deem CutPRO Cut Resistant Clothing as appropriate.”

All CutPRO garments are fully CE marked and made from the highly acclaimed and thoroughly field-tested Cut-Tex PRO fabric.


About CutPRO®

CutPRO Cut Resistant Clothing is a pioneering brand of highly protective clothing. Made from the world’s most reliable, fully certified and thoroughly field-tested cut resistant fabric Cut-Tex PRO. The company’s social media presence: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.


Ryan Vickers, Chief Development Officer (CDO)

PPSS Group


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