Dole viert World Maritime Day om het belang van gendergelijkheid en duurzaamheid te benadrukken
De investeringen van de marktleider in het transport hebben bijgedragen tot een van de laagste ecologische voetafdruk in de sector
CHARLOTTE, N.C.-(BUSINESS WIRE)- Dole Food Company viert elk jaar op 26 september samen met The International Maritime Organization World Maritime Day. Het thema van dit jaar is Empowering Women in the Maritime Industry, dat zich richt op het vergroten van het bewustzijn over gendergelijkheid, in overeenstemming met de VN-doelstelling voor duurzame ontwikkeling.
Van oudsher zijn zeevaart en scheepsbeheer geen favoriete bezigheden van vrouwen. Bij Dole bestaat het managementteam van het bedrijf echter voor vijftig procent uit vrouwen en drie vrouwelijke officieren aan boord van de schepen.
Dole Celebrates World Maritime Day Highlighting the Importance of Gender Equality and Sustainability
Produce leader’s investments in shipping have contributed to one of the lowest environmental footprints in the industry
CHARLOTTE, N.C.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Dole Food Company joins The International Maritime Organization in celebrating the World Maritime Day every year on the 26th of September. The theme this year is Empowering Women in the Maritime Industry, which aims to improve awareness on gender equality, coinciding with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal.
Historically, seafaring and vessel management has not been a preferred occupation by women. However, at Dole fifty percent of the company’s vessel management team are women as well as three female officers aboard its vessels.
“This year, in addition to celebrating the important contributions of our female co-workers to the vessel operations group, we would like to announce that Dole will be receiving two new ships in 2020-2021,” commented Inderjeet Aulakh, VP of Vessel Operations and Management at Dole. “These state-of-the-art builds, each with the ability to transport 919 reefer units, will be placed in Dole’s US Gulf Service and we expect to see reductions of NOx, SOx and CO2 emissions per reefer unit of 63.2%, 48.54% and 48.54%, respectively. This is a result of the combination of both improved technology and the changes in the service route.”
As an organization that manages and maintains its own shipping supply chain, ocean transport is a positive differentiator for Dole contributing to continuous improvement goals through operating efficiencies and carbon footprint reductions. Dole is also addressing the expected 2020 regulatory requirements head on by implementing new technology scrubbers on five current vessels as well as on the new ships in order to meet SOx emission limits.
Renato Acuña, President of Dole Fresh Fruit Latin America, North America and Europe, commented, “These progressive steps in our shipping operations show the commitment that Dole has always placed on delivering the best product, in the best way possible for our communities.”
“This year’s World Maritime Day coincides with Mr. Aulakh’s retirement after more than 31 years with the Company,” adds Acuña. “I would like to thank him for his key contributions to Dole exemplified by a successful management of our fleet which by far has the lowest environmental footprint in the industry for fresh fruit products entering the United States, but also by developing and leaving in place a vessel management team second to none.”
About Dole Food Company
Dole Food Company, Inc. is one of the world’s largest producers and marketers of high-quality fresh fruit and fresh vegetables. Dole is an industry leader in many of the products it sells, as well as in nutrition education. For more information, please visit
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US Contact: William Goldfield