21:30 uur 02-10-2019

DXC Technology kondigt nieuwe wereldwijde milieudoelstellingen aan in 2019 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report

Nieuw rapport bevat bijgewerkte duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen voor drie jaar en documenten met de belangrijkste milieu- en sociale prestaties vanaf het fiscale jaar 2019

TYSONS, Va.- (BUSINESS WIRE) – DXC Technology (NYSE: DXC) kondigde vandaag de versie van zijn jaarlijks Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report aan, dat prestaties in het bereiken van de de duurzaamheidsdoelstellingen van het bedrijf, het uitbreiden van sociale programma’s en het bevorderen van wereldwijde gemeenschappen door middel van onderwijs en filantropie.

In het fiscale jaar 2019 overtrof DXC zijn verminderingsdoelstellingen voor globale broeikasgasemissies en absoluut energieverbruik; lanceerde een Social Impact Practice om sociale uitdagingen met technologie aan te pakken; gecreëerde neurodiversiteitshubs om studenten op het autismespectrum te steunen; en breidde wetenschap, technologie, techniek en math (STEM) onderwijsprogramma’s globaal uit. DXC verdiende ook erkenning van derden voor het creëren van een inclusieve werkcultuur.

DXC Technology Announces New Global Environmental Goals in 2019 Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report

New report includes updated three-year sustainability targets and documents key environmental and social achievements from fiscal year 2019

TYSONS, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– DXC Technology (NYSE: DXC) today announced the release of its annual Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report, which presents accomplishments in meeting the company’s sustainability targets, expanding social programs and advancing global communities through education and philanthropy.

In fiscal year 2019, DXC exceeded its reduction targets for global greenhouse gas emissions and absolute energy consumption; launched a Social Impact Practice to address social challenges with technology; created neurodiversity hubs to support students on the autism spectrum; and expanded science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education programs globally. DXC also earned third-party recognition for creating an inclusive workplace culture.

“DXC is committed to improving society through technology and innovation, and I commend our employees’ spirit of volunteerism and service,” said Mike Salvino, president and CEO, DXC. “We exceeded ambitious sustainability goals, such as further improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions. Looking ahead, our commitment to sustainability will remain strong as we focus on growing our business—doing all we can to work toward the highest goals, principles and values.”

The latest report includes new global three-year environmental goals for DXC. By fiscal year 2022, DXC will commit to using more renewable energy sources in its global offices and data centers, reduce absolute waste globally and eliminate e-waste to landfill. The report also describes how DXC will achieve absolute reduction targets for greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and water consumption.

The 2019 DXC Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report highlights the following accomplishments:

  • Achieved a nearly 25% reduction in absolute energy consumption globally and a 21% reduction in absolute greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Earned a top score on the 2019 Disability Equality Index® (DEI®) and received the 2019 National Leading Disability Employer Seal Award™ from the National Organization on Disability in the United States.
  • Created neurodiversity hubs in Australia to expand the DXC Dandelion Program, which generates employment pathways for students on the autism spectrum.
  • Sponsored DXC Codes programs in 24 countries to introduce school-age children to STEM skills.
  • Supported the workforce with 1.1 million learning hours via DXC University and with experiential training opportunities through DXC Digital Transformation Centers and DXC Labs.
  • Launched DXC Accelerate, a program to advance women as executive leaders in the technology industry.
  • Ranked in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) North America 2019.

The 2019 DXC Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Report is now available online.

About DXC Technology

DXC Technology, the world’s leading independent, end-to-end IT services company, manages and modernizes mission-critical systems, integrating them with new digital solutions to produce better business outcomes. The company’s global reach and talent, innovation platforms, technology independence and extensive partner network enable more than 6,000 private- and public-sector clients in 70 countries to thrive on change. For more information, visit www.dxc.technology.


Donna Jenks, Corporate Media Relations, +1.630.306.9989, donna.jenks@dxc.com
Jonathan Ford, Investor Relations, +1.703.245.9700, jonathan.ford@dxc.com
Paula Sullivan, Corporate Responsibility, cr@dxc.com

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