15:33 uur 24-10-2019

Scientist.com breidt haar bekroonde oplossing -COMPLi®- uit om een ethische behandeling van dieren tijdens wetenschappelijk onderzoek te garanderen

SAN DIEGO & LONDEN– (BUSINESS WIRE) – Scientist.com, de grootste online markt voor life science-industrie voor uitbesteed onderzoek, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat zijn COMPLi®-oplossing is uitgebreid met dierenwelzijn als onderdeel van zijn voortdurende inspanningen om ervoor te zorgen dat niet-menselijke dieren die betrokken zijn bij wetenschappelijk onderzoek ethisch verantwoord en humaan worden behandeld. COMPLi® is een eerste oplossing in zijn soort waarmee farmaceutische en biotechnologiebedrijven vertrouwelijke diensten zoals toxicologisch onderzoek, menselijke biologische monsterafname, secundair real-world bewijs (RWE), gezondheidseconomie en resultatenonderzoek (HEOR) kunnen outsourcen en elke GxP-service (bijvoorbeeld GLP en GCP).

Scientist.com Expands Its Award-Winning Solution—COMPLi®—to Ensure Ethical Treatment of Animals During Scientific Research

SAN DIEGO & LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Scientist.com, the life science industry’s largest online marketplace for outsourced research, announced today that its COMPLi® solution has expanded to include Animal Welfare as part of its ongoing effort to ensure that any non-human animals involved in scientific research are handled ethically and humanely. COMPLi® is a first-of-its-kind solution that allows pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to confidently outsource regulated services such as toxicology studies, human biological sample acquisition, secondary real-world evidence (RWE), health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), and any GxP (e.g., GLP and GCP) service.

“Our new COMPLi Animal Welfare due diligence process was created to ensure that marketplace suppliers who provide in vivo services treat animals involved in scientific research in an ethical and humane way,” said Matt McLoughlin, VP of Compliance at Scientist.com. “We are working with several research organizations to drive transparency, educate researchers and help create standards for the entire industry.”

Launched in 2017, COMPLi helps researchers and suppliers adhere to internal and external (often legislative) procurement policies and regulations. It ensures that, where required, appropriate ethical considerations are addressed, tracked and communicated throughout the supply chain. COMPLi addresses compliance and governance requirements at every key step of the sourcing process to speed up drug research and reduce the risks of outsourcing. In 2018, the online compliance solution received a prestigious CPhl Award in the Regulatory Procedures and Compliance category.

Scientist.com’s In Vivo Services Category Director Meaghan Loy, MS, ALAT and Dr. Sam Jackson, Programme Manager: Disease Models, Efficacy and Safety Pharmacology at the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) are co-hosting a 3-part webinar series that will highlight to researchers ways to implement the 3Rs in medical research. The series features industry thought leaders from Scientist.com’s network of over 3,000 registered suppliers, including Mimetas, Hera BioLabs and Sinclair Research.

Click on the following titles to register for the remaining two webinars, “The 3 Rs of Animals in Research, Part 2: Reduction” and “The 3 Rs of Animals in Research, Part 3: Refinement”.

About Scientist.com

Scientist.com is the world’s leading enterprise gateway marketplace for outsourced R&D. The marketplace simplifies R&D sourcing, saving time and money, reducing risk and providing access to the latest innovative tools and technologies. Scientist.com operates private enterprise marketplaces for most of the world’s major pharmaceutical companies, the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) and the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Since its founding in 2007, Scientist.com has raised $32 million from 5AM Ventures, Leerink Transformation Partners and Heritage Provider Network among others. Visit scientist.com to learn more.

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Sean Preci

Director of Communications, Scientist.com

858-455-1300 ext. 401


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