euNetworks levert nieuwe essentiele glasvezelinfrastructuur in het VK en Ierland
End-to-end netwerksysteem met een groot glasvezelkabelnetwerk dat 1.000 km beslaat van Dublin naar Manchester naar Londen en Lowestoft
LONDEN & DUBLIN– (BUSINESS WIRE) – euNetworks Group Limited (“euNetworks”), een West-Europees bedrijf voor bandbreedte-infrastructuur, heeft vandaag aangekondigd dat het een strategische investering heeft gedaan om noodzakelijke internetinfrastructuur te bouwen die Dublin verbindt met Londen en Lowestoft. Deze geavanceerde techniek met ultrahoge capaciteit en donkere-vezelsysteem maakt gebruik van nieuwe ultra-low-loss vezel om de laagste kosten per bit te leveren. Die specificatie plus de unieke routing van het systeem voldoet aan de behoeften van bedrijven die meerdere terabits van dataverkeer vervoeren.
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euNetworks Delivers New Critical Fibre Infrastructure in the UK and Ireland
End to end network system with high fibre count cable covering 1,000 km from Dublin to Manchester to London and Lowestoft
LONDON & DUBLIN–(BUSINESS WIRE)– euNetworks Group Limited (“euNetworks”), a Western European bandwidth infrastructure company, today announced that it has undertaken a strategic investment, building critical internet infrastructure linking Dublin to London and Lowestoft. This state of the art, ultra high capacity duct and dark fibre system utilises new ultra low loss fibre to deliver the lowest cost per bit. That specification plus the unique routing of the system meets the needs of companies transporting multiple terabits of data traffic.
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Super Highway 1 – Rockabill shore end cable lay (Photo: Business Wire)
Super Highway 1 links Dublin via submarine cable to Southport, and then on to Manchester, London, and Lowestoft, directly connecting key data centres. This major investment in UK national infrastructure compliments euNetworks’ ongoing investment in Dublin, London and Manchester. It also delivers the first new subsea cable system (Rockabill) in the North Irish sea for some years.
euNetworks is focused on delivering high bandwidth data centre to data centre connectivity between and within cities in Europe. Super Highway 1 will support the ongoing investment by companies building out data centres in metropolitan areas, as well as expanding their presence in regions.
Construction started in March 2019 and services will be delivered to customers in week commencing 25 November 2019. This new ultra low loss network is entirely new fibre deployment. It includes 1,000 kilometres of high fibre count cable, 340 new chambers, 239 new fibre joints, 2 new cable landing stations and 4 new ILA/PoP sites. The low loss fibre deployed on the terrestrial route is Corning SMF28 Ultra G657 fibre. Corning SMF28-ULL G654C has been used in the Rockabill subsea system.
The new subsea cable has been optimised for lowest attenuation, with a subsea distance beach man hole to beach man hole of 221km. The route follows a historically established highly reliable subsea corridor, while being diverse from other live and planned systems. euNetworks worked with McMahon Design & Management Ltd (“MDM”) to undertake the subsea build, with MDM managing the development concept, permitting, licensing and cable lay. The shore end work at Portrane and then Southport was undertaken in July 2019 and the main lay cable works completed in early September 2019.
“Super Highway 1 is an important investment in Western European bandwidth infrastructure,” said Brady Rafuse, Chief Executive Officer of euNetworks. “Critically for our customers this network development continues our approach of delivering highly scalable, owned and operated fibre based infrastructure to support their needs.”
“Data centre connectivity remains critically important to business today,” added Rafuse. This new fibre system delivers vital infrastructure to support the many businesses in Ireland and the UK whose connectivity requirements continue to grow, including the numerous hyperscale companies with a strong and growing presence in Ireland and beyond.”
“We extend our thanks to all those who have worked with us on this important project. We look forward to working closely with our customers in these regions, delivering the bandwidth experience and scale they need,” said Rafuse.
About euNetworks
euNetworks is a bandwidth infrastructure company, owning and operating 17 fibre based metropolitan networks connected with a high capacity intercity backbone covering 51 cities in 15 countries across Europe. The company leads the market in data centre connectivity, directly connecting over 400 today. euNetworks is also a leading cloud connectivity provider and offers a targeted portfolio of metropolitan and long haul services including Dark Fibre, Wavelengths, and Ethernet. Wholesale, finance, content, media, mobile, data centre and enterprise customers benefit from euNetworks’ unique inventory of fibre and duct based assets that are tailored to fulfil their high bandwidth needs.
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Hannah Britt | Senior Director, Marketing & IR | euNetworks
+44 7717 896 446 mobile